Letter: Seeking Tighter Regulation Of Recreational Marijuana


Photo: pixabay.com. Public domain

The following letter was sent to the Amherst Board Of License Commissioners on August 11, 2023.

My family is very concerned with the way marijuana is normalized in our society. We are very much in favor of its medical uses and agree it is a good option to other pharmaceuticals. However, it is still a drug and should be treated as such: with prescription, safety measures and warnings. Having a dispensary at every corner and rampant use everywhere gives our younger residents the impression that it is of no consequence. The same way smoking is now frowned upon and public drinking is against the law, why would marijuana use be any less harmful and regulated? You can’t even share ibuprofen without fear of unintended consequences. Our schools and government are turning a blind eye to this public health crisis. So many marijuana users disregard it’s harmful effects, such as brain cell loss and diminished capacity, and even drive under its influence, putting other people in danger.

Please take these concerns into account when dealing with license and regulations for something that should be treated as a drug. You wouldn’t allow recreational use of cough syrup so why marijuana? Please don’t let the tax money it brings to town be the determining factor in your decisions. It is still drug money.

Renata Shepard 
Renata Shepard is a resident of Amherst

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