Second Amherst Middle School Employee Files Discrimination Complaint

Lamikco (Meka) Magee, former special education department leader in the Amherst Schools and past president of the Amherst Pelham Education Association, has filed a discrimination complaint against the Amherst School District with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discimination (MCAD). She is the second district employee to do so this summer. Assistant School Superintendent Doreen Cunningham, currently on administrative leave from the district, filed a complaint on July 11, 2023. Both of the complainants are Black women alleging racial and gender discrimination. Cunningham also alleges that she experienced discrimination based on her Christian religious affiliation. Magee resigned her position as a special education teacher/leader in the Amherst district on July 14. Following her filing of the complaint she said in an email to the Indy,
“Amherst has a history of racial discrimination in its public schools. Despite constant complaints by Black staff, Dr. Michael Morris, Superintendent, continues to allow racial discrimination against Black staff to run rampant. In addition to discrimination against Blacks, other marginalized groups have been ignored after reporting acts of discrimination, bullying, and retaliation. The School Committee fails to hold Dr. Morris accountable and has ignored the no confidence vote by the Amherst Pelham Education Association, the local union. The APEA has allied with marginalized staff, students, and families to fight discrimination in all its forms. The School Committee and Dr. Morris have ignored the APEA’s requests to collaborate on the design of programs and systems that will dismantle institutional oppression. Dr. Morris’s decisions and the School Committee’s lack of action have been detrimental to students, families, and staff.”
A copy of the complaint was not available at press time.
Read more about the complaint in:
The Daily Hampshire Gazette
Boston Globe