An Open Letter To The Regional School Committee From The APEA

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The following letter to the Amherst School Committee was sent on August 23, 2023.
The past few months have been very challenging for the entire community.Ā Moving forward and united, we urge the School Committees to protect students, to make decisions with integrity and transparency, and to hold leadership accountable.Ā Ā
With the exit of School Superintendent Michael Morris, the community demands:
- an acting superintendent be appointed for the first few months of school.
- an immediate nationwide search for a qualified, experienced, superintendent.
- transparency in the timeline and all steps of the hiring process (a clear well documented screening of resumes, broad input for interview questions, community and staff open forums for finalists)
- a diverse interview committee that includes community, BIPOC family leaders, LGBTQIA+ family leaders, and APEA members.
- that no further staffing decisions be made by Morris prior to his exit.
- a review of the last few months hiring decisions, including the overstaffing of administrators and central office staff while cutting classroom teacher positions (resulting in increased class size in many classrooms).
- the release of the Title IX investigation summary to the public.
Amherst Pelham Education Association
Latinx Caucus
Black Caucus
Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Caucus
Indigenous Caucus
My son goes to Amherst and has for 6 years.
I hope that the house cleaning goes as deep as it should because it is clearer than ever that really bad things have been going on that have not been in the students best interest.