Amherst Media Will Broadcast Campaign Messages from Town Election Candidates

Photo: Blue Diamond Gallery (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Source: Amherst Media
Amherst Media recently offered all candidates running for local offices in the Town of Amherst the opportunity to record a five minute, unedited campaign message, free of charge, to introduce themselves and their ideas to the voting population.
Twenty-eight candidates responded to the offer and starting Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023 these recordings will be cablecasted on local Comcast Channel 9 and 15. All of the candidate messages will be cablecast an equal number of times. Additionally, the candidate’s recordings will be posted for viewing on Amherst Media’s YouTube channel.
In conjunction with Amherst League of Women Voters (LWV), Amherst Media will be recording and Streaming “Live”, two LWV Candidate Forums. Thursday, October 5 and October 12 both starting at 7:00 PM. The community can participate in person at the Amherst Regional Middle School auditorium or by viewing local Comcast Channel 9 and/or Amherst Media YouTube “Live” streaming channel.
These community services are examples of Amherst Media’s commitment to community engagement. Amherst Media, is an independent, non-profit media center,servicing the Amherst area since 1976.