APEA Calls for More Transparency from School Disrtrict

Photo: Pixabay.com. Creative Commons
Source: Amherst Pelham Education Association
The Amherst Pelham Education Asssociation issued a statement on October 1, criticizing the Amherst Regional Public Schools for failing to complete background checks over a 20 month period and calling for more transparency in addressing charges of bullying of LGBTQIA+ students at the Amherst Regional Middle School.
“The statement said, “The recent revelation from the district that Human Resources failed to properly and consistently maintain CORI [Criminal Offender Record Information] checks in recent years should disturb the public. The APEA urges the district to continue to be forthcoming about any and all inconsistencies in hiring practices.”
“The APEA is encouraged, however, that the district has invited staff and community members to join LGBTQIA+ advisory groups. This kind of openness to collaboration will be valuable moving forward.”
“Regarding the release of the Title IX investigation report, the APEA recognizes the importance of maintaining confidentiality of staff. However, the APEA urges the district to be transparent about improvements in the district’s Human Resources practices and systems of responsiveness toward staff and family concerns, especially around bullying and harassment. The district needs a superintendent who will hold the people in administrative positions accountable. We look forward to learning the district’s plans for a superintendent search which will incorporate community and educator feedback.”
For more information, contact: coccoc73@gmail.com (Claire Cocco, Communications Chair) or executiveboard@amherstpelhamed.org .