Area Organizations Announce Endorsements for Town’s Biennial Elections

Photo: Blue Diamond Gallery (CC BY-SA 3.0)
by Art Keene (with contributions from Michael Ash)
Five local organizations have announced their endorsements of candidates for the town’s biennial elections scheduled for November 7. Amherst Firefighters Local 1764, Amherst Forward, the Amherst Pelham Education Association, the Progressive Coalition of Amherst, and Sunrise Amherst each announced their endorsements this week. Those endorsements (with the exception of Amherst Firefighters) came in response to questionnaires sent to the candidates by each of the organizations. Sunrise Amherst plans to issue a second round of endorsements on October 15.
At this writing, none of the organizations provided a list of those candidates who did not return questionnaires and did not receive endorsements as a result. Nor has any organization made public their questionnaires or candidate responses to those questions.
Amherst Firefighters Local 1764
Look here for the organization’s Facebook postings.
Town Council:
- District 2: Pat DeAngelis
- District 5: Ana Devlin Gauthier
- At-large: Mandy Jo Hanneke , Matt Holloway
Amherst Forward
Look here for the organization’s press release.
Town Council
- District 1: Freke Ette
- District 2: Lynn Griesemer and Pat De Angelis
- District 3: George Ryan and Heather Hala Lord
- District 4: Anika Lopes and Dillon Maxfield
- District 5: Ana Devlin Gauthier and Robert Hegner
- At Large: Andy Steinberg, Mandi Jo Hanneke, and Matt Holloway
School Committee:
- Deborah Leonard
- Sarah Marshall
- Irv Rhodes
Amherst Pelham Education Association
Look here for the organization’s press release.
School Committee:
- Laura Jane Hunter
- Bridget Hynes
- Jennifer Shiao
- Martha Toro
Progressive Coalition of Amherst
Look here for the organization’s press release
Town Council:
- District 1: Vince O’Connor
- District 2: Allegra Clark and Amber Cano Martin
- At large: Ellisha Walker
School Committee:
- Laura Jane Hunter
- Bridget Hynes
- Jennifer Shiao
- Martha Toro
Sunrise Amherst
Look for the organization’s press release here.
Town Council:
- District 2: Allegra Clark and Amber Cano Martin
- District 3: Heather Hala Lord
- District 4: Pam Rooney
- At Large: Jamie Daniels and Ellisha Walker
School Committee
- Laura Jane Hunter
- Bridget Hynes
- Irv Rhodes
- Jennifer Shiao
- Martha Toro
Matrix of Candidates
- Look here for a matrix listing every candidate for every elected office in town and endorsements of local organizations. This table will be updated as new information becomes available.
Additional Election Information
- Town Election Site
- Town’s Candidate Statements Site
- League of Women Voters Election Guide with candidate statements
- Amherst Media Candidate Videos and Rebroadcasts of Candidate Forums
This is a particularly confusing election because of the recent redistricting. Check here to see what District you are in – it may very well have changed since the last election!
- Indy election guide with candidate statements and questionnaire responses – coming 10/17
Endorsements are an interesting phenomenon – until you learn what did or did not happen, there is no way to value, or evaluate, the endorsement. In the 2021 council election campaign, and again now in 2023, I thanked, and declined both Amherst Forward and the Progressive Group for the opportunity to receive endorsement. I had to ask for a correction in reporting when the Gazette listed me as one of the several 2021 candidates who “did not receive AF support”!
In 2021, I was endorsed by the APEA. This year, I don’t recall ever seeing the invitation to take their survey, so did not participate and did not receive endorsement (perhaps it was deleted by accident from one of my three inboxes…). As for the Firefighters’ endorsement – ditto APEA; the only email I could find on “firefighters” was a short note from the Town Manager on 1/12/22: “I wanted you to know that the Town was awarded a $25,000 grant to purchase firefighter safety equipment for our firefighters.” Sunrise Amherst did surprise me with their endorsement this year.
As one of just a few “Independent Candidates”, I hope you instead take the time to read candidates’ websites to see if their work and life experiences seem to align with your priorities, or for incumbents, if their votes align as well. Enjoy the Campaign Season!
Over and over, I have mulled this statement about Amherst Forward’s endorsed candidates: “Candidates who did not respond to the questionnaire by the stated deadline were not eligible for endorsement.” So, regardless of a candidate’s hard work and votes on the Town Council or any other factor, Amherst Forward did not even consider a candidate that did not fill out a form? Does that make sense? Wouldn’t a candidate’s background, committee work and actual votes in Town Council be critical factors in making an endorsement, not “you didn’t fill out our questionnaire.” As a result of this, which has a whiff junior high school emotion, several current Town Councilors, including one councilor that Amherst Forward endorsed 2 years ago were not even considered. This ‘failed to fill out our questionnaire policy’ excluded several candidates of color and actually led to a pretty white list of Amherst Forward candidates, sadly. Going forward, in the future I hope Amherst Forward looks at each candidate’s actual work, voting record, life experiences and positions on important town issues. Do the work! And then explain why Amherst Forward picked or rejected candidates.
Or else advertise correctly, “This is our list of candidates who 1) filled out our questionnaire and 2) support our priority issues which we don’t state here.” Go 2 clicks away to find Amherst Forward’s heartwarming but vague priority issues: “Development balance,” “infrastructure to support town needs,” “deeper civic participation,’ and “thriving public schools.” Is any candidates against these goals? So, was it just the questionnaire? Some other unstated criteria? Time for some deeper civic participation, harder work and more openness by Amherst Forward. Hopefully Amherst voters will take a closer look at everyone running.
Hi Janet – The PCA made a very similar statement – ” We did not consider candidates running for uncontested seats or candidates who did not fill out our questionnaires.” Both press releases from Amherst Forward and PCA contain statements about how they considered questionaries in addition to voting records, other service, etc.