Celebrate Trees With The Town Shade Tree Committee

aerial town common downtown, shade trees

Densely treed portion of Amherst Town Common Photo: Larry Kelley, 2015

Source: Amherst Shade Tree Committee

The town’s Public Shade Tree Committee invites the public to participate in two tree-oriented events in the month of October.

Shade Tree Nursery Workday
The Shade Tree Committee is creating its own tree nursery and invites you to help get that started on Saturday October 14, from 9 a.m. – Noon.

If you’ve purchased a tree in the last few years, you already know that the price of trees has skyrocketed. This is a widely documented phenomenon with no sign of abating soon. And it means that our small budget doesn’t go very far when it’s time to buy trees for planting around town.

So we’ve decided to take matters into our own hands by creating our own nursery. The town will allow us to use the abandoned horse farm on Station Road to grow our own trees from seedlings, significantly reducing the cost of trees over the long term. But it will require a little elbow grease to get the space ready.  Can you help us Saturday, 10/14? We’ll be working on Station Road from 9-12 – just drive between the South Amherst Common and the Rail Trail, and you’ll see us.

Downtown Walking Tour
Join the Amherst Public Shade Tree Committee for a free tour of Downtown Trees on Sunday, October 22, at 1 p.m.. This is a repeat of the successful tour from Mother’s Day 2022 but will showcase the autumn season plus changes in the trees over this time. Meet at the side of the Jones Library, in front of the Strong House and the big sycamore.”

Meet by the large sycamore in front of the Strong House (next to the Jones Library) for the Public Shade Tree Committee’s fall walking tour on October 22. Photo: Julian Hynes
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2 thoughts on “Celebrate Trees With The Town Shade Tree Committee

  1. Don Ogden, we did swing by and talked about the tree and observed the care being taken to protect the remaining trees..

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