Letter: Local Climate Leaders Endorse Candidates Who Support Climate Action

Photo: maxpixel.com. Public domain
As Amherst residents and climate action, climate justice, and environmental organizers, we support Ellisha Walker and Jamie Daniels for At Large Councilors, Amber Cano-Martin and Allegra Clark for Town Council District 2 and Jennifer Taub and Pam Rooney for District 4. Their progressive platforms across the board recognize the “new normal” the town is entering and seek to make Amherst a leader in taking climate action. Their holistic thinking can help our town be more climate resilient for generations to come. For example, they strongly favor forest and ecosystem protection and siting large scale solar installations on the built environment. It is an uphill battle for new progressive and/or independent candidates attempting to challenge the business-as-usual systems and practices, but with your help, they can do it. Please consider and spread the word.
Madeleine Charney
Darcy DuMont
Julian Hynes
Maria Kopicki
Felicia Mednick
Deb Neubauer
Anne Perkins
John Root
Andra Rose
Lydia Vernon-Jones
Russ Vernon-Jones
Lenore Bryck