Letter: Bridget Hynes Will Bring Decades of Professional Experience and an Optimistic, Team-building Approach to Amherst School Committee
As a 30 year Amherst resident, educator, and proud parent of a child who attended Amherst schools K-12, I am wholeheartedly supporting Dr. Bridget Hynes for Amherst School Committee.
The impact that Amherst public schools have on the Amherst community is deep, long, and powerful. As Amherst now moves toward a new normal, Bridget brings decades of experience working in educational and professional capacities in multiple diverse educational settings. A long-time resident of Amherst and parent of an Amherst High School student, Bridget is deeply committed to ensuring the indisputable truth; that strong and diverse Amherst public schools will build a strong and diverse Amherst community.
Bridget’s platform combines a practical, holistic, optimistic, and hopeful approach to meet Amherst’s complex educational issues. In a professional capacity, she brings years of experience in educational administration. Her skills include, but are not limited to, overseeing budgets, hiring, counseling, training, and team building. She is a compassionate reflective leader who listens and who cares!
For all these reasons and more, I enthusiastically encourage voters to elect Dr. Bridget Hynes to help lead the Amherst community’s education efforts to a brighter progressive future.
Elizabeth Gilbert
Elizabeth Gilbert is a resident of Amherst