Letter: Martha Del Carmen Toro, an Advocate for All Students and Parents

Letter:  Martha Del Carmen Toro, an Advocate for All Students and Parents

Martha Toro

I am supporting Martha Del Carmen Toro in her candidacy for the Amherst School Committee. I have worked with her on supporting youth with special needs in the classroom. As an educator of thirty-four years’ experience working, advocating for, and engaging students with learning differences, Martha has demonstrated vast knowledge on balancing school policies and students’ needs.  During her tenured years teaching in Massachussetts, I had the privilege to witness her involvement with families, colleagues, administrators, and the community at large. Her compassionate heart, understanding of school policies and politics, and longtime Amherst resident with five children who attended the Amherst public schools, Martha would be a natural fit in the school committee. She is dedicated, level-headed and works well with a wide variety of people. She takes the time to do her homework and fully understand the issues she is working on. 

One of the things I have always admired about Martha  is the enormous energy she brings to school issues. The  sense of belonging and safety of all  a topic she is truly passionate about it. She has participated in Amherst school district as  parent , teacher and administrator and in all roles she  demonstrated  her interest in student safety  and sense of belonging  for all. She speaks for all  students. Latinx and LBGTQA students are close to her heat. 

In her campaign, Matha has been working hard to gather input from parents, teachers and other citizens about what they think is working and what needs to b change in our schools. She will be very open to input from a wide array of sources if she is elected. As a parent of former students, I think  she willl be especially sensitive to the concerns of parent, teachers . For all of these reasons, I hope youl join me in giving Martha  one of your votes for school board representation on Election Day. 

Roberto Christian

Roberto Christian is a resident of Amherst.

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