Letter: Walker and Daniels Have Dedicated Their Lives to Serving Our Community

Photo: Jamie Daniels
I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Ellisha Walker and Jamie Daniels for Town Council. Ellisha and Jaime both grew up in town, went through the same school that I attend today, and have dedicated their lives to serving our community. As the Town Council approaches issues of affordable housing, school funding and racial equity in Amherst, I see candidates who not only have thought out solutions, but have the lived experience to tackle these tough issues. Ellisha and Jamie know what it is like to be empowered women of color in Amherst, they know what it is like to attend our schools and send their kids to our schools, and they know what it is like to struggle to afford housing in this town. Other candidates at-large have not had these experiences, and therefore may miss important steps to addressing our town’s current needs. Amherst needs more elected representatives who will listen to those affected by their decisions, rather than think they know what is best for everyone else. I hope you will join me, in supporting Walker and Daniels for Town Council this Tuesday.
Julian Hynes
Julian Hynes is a resident of Amherst’s District 5, a student at Amherst Regional High School, and co-leader of the Amherst Sunrise Movement.