What’s Happening in Amherst?

Photo: istock
by Art and Maura Keene
There is a lot happening around town. You can help us make our events calendar more comprehensive by sending us your listings and including contact information and/or a link for more information. Send events listings to amherstindy@gmail.com.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 4: 6 K ROAD RACE, ENGINEERS WITHOUT BORDERS. 9 a.m. 144 Hicks Way, UMass. Annual Engineers Without Borders Sweat for Clean Water 6K. All proceeds will go into projects that help support the communities we work with in Kenya, Ghana, and locally. The course is a 6 kilometer loop around the UMass Amherst campus that starts and ends at the old chapel. The event is on November 4th at 9 am. Sign up at: https://runsignup.com/Race/MA/Amherst/EngineersWithoutBorders6k
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 5: DAY OF THE DEAD POP-UP. 1 p.m. to dusk, 36 Cottage Street. Latin American Fair Trade Gifts from Cojolya products https://globalgoodspartners.org/collections/cojolya-guatemala and Ixil collective https://ixilcollective.org/ . Pop-up sale of amazing products from Guatemalan women’s cooperatives. All weavings hand made on backstrap looms. High quality and good price points for unique gifts/home decor.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 5: UMASS CHAMBER CHOIR: “COMING HOME”. 7 p.m. Old Chapel, UMass. The Chamber Choir explores “home” through varied lenses: a world premiere by Hannah Gruendemann, commissioned by the Chamber Choir, and works by Stephen Leek, Saunder Choi, Reena Esmail, Shawn Kirchner, and Sydney Guillaume, as well as South African and German part song.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 5: WESTERN MASS 10-MILER ROAD RACE. 8:30 a.m. Haigis Mall at UMass Amherst. Run ends in Northampton with a post-race party at the Deck Bar in Union Station, Northampton. Information and registration at https://www.hartfordmarathon.com/western-mass-10/
MONDAY NOVEMBER 6: MADDY BLAIS AUTHOR TALK. 6 p.m. Amherst Books, 8 Main Street. Amherst icon Madeleine (“Maddy”) Blais wi ll talk about her new book, Queen of the Court: The Many Lives of Legend Alice Marble. Marble was a tennis celebrity, author, actor, fashion designer, & successful campaigner to allow African Americans into the U.S. Lawn Tennis Association, but now she is forgotten. Blais, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for her journalism, is author of, among other books, In These Girls, Hope Is a Muscle: A True Story of Hoop Dreams & One Very Special Team; To the New Owners: A Martha’s Vineyard Memoir; & Uphill Walkers: Memoir of a Family. In her new book she brings Marble back to life.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7: AMHERST SENIOR CENTER COVID-19 AND FLU VACCINE CLINIC. 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bangs Center, 70 Botwood Walk. Open to the public. Register either online through this link: https://home.color.com/vaccine/register/northampton or over the phone by calling this number: 413-587-1314.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 7: NICHOLAS SYRETT AUTHOR TALK. 6 p.m. Amherst Books, 8 Main Street. Nicholas Syrett will discuss his new book, The Trials of Madame Restell: Nineteenth-Century America’s Most Infamous Female Physician & the Campaign to Make Abortion a Crime, with Amherst College professor Jen Manion. Syrett is a professor of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies & an associate dean in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Kansas. Manion is author of Female Husbands: A Trans History.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8: NEEMA AVASHIA TALK AND READING. 7 p.m. Amherst Books, 8 Main Street. Amherst College Fall 2023 Creative Writing Series. Neema Avashia will talk about & read from her recent book, Another Appalachia: Coming Up Queer & Indian in a Mountain Place, at the CHI Think Tank (Lyceum 101), 197 South Pleasant St., Amherst. The book was named Best LGBTQ Memoir of 2022 by BookRiot; was one of the New York Public Library’s Best Books of 2022; & was a finalist for the New England Book Award; the Weatherford Award; & a Lambda Literary Award. For more information, see here.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8: OPUS ONE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA. 7:30 p.m. Bezanson Hall, UMass. This advanced conductor-less orchestra performs classic and contemporary works from the string orchestra repertoire. Featuring Bartok’s Divertimento, plus chamber music by Boccherini, Mendelssohn and Mozart. Free.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 8: RANKY TANKY WITH SPECIAL GUEST LISA FISCHER. 7:30 p.m. Bowker Auditorium, UMass. Grammy-winning quartet Ranky Tanky team with versatile, soulful vocalist Lisa Fischer for an evening of music steeped in tradition and alive with kinetic energy and healing power. Tickets $35-$25, $15 for Five College students and youth 17 and under.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9: HOLLY BOWLING SOLO PIANO. 8 p.m. The Drake 44 North Pleasant Street. Whether behind the piano on a windswept mountainous cliff, at a hallowed venue such as Carnegie Hall, or playing shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the most legendary musicians in history, solo pianist Holly Bowling subverts convention with virtuosic playing, emotional immersion, and a thirst for invention. Tickets $20 in advance, $25 at the door.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9: SEYCHELLE DUNN-CORBIN, BARITONE SAXOPHONE. GUEST ARTIST CONCERT. 7:30 p.m. Bezanson Hall, UMass. With Adam Merrill, piano. Seychelle Dunn-Corbin is a Boston-based saxophonist known for her inclusion, dedication and advocacy of African American artistry in performance and education. Free.
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9: “UNIONS BOOMS AND BUST” TALK. 6 p.m. Amherst Books, 8 Main Street. UMass professor & Director of the Labor Center here at UMass, Jasmine Kerrissey & co-author Judith Stepan-Norris, Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of California, Irvine, will talk about their new book, Union Booms & Busts: The Ongoing Fight Over the U.S. Labor Movement. Kerrissey is also author of Labor in the Time of Trump.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11: ANNUAL VETERANS’ DAY BREAKFAST. 9 a.m. Bangs Community Center, Large Activity Room. Everyone is welcome to join in this delicious breakfast that honors ALL VETERANS. All Veterans are FREE, $10/ticket for all accompanying guests. Advance tickets only – No tickets will be sold at the door. Veterans and their guests can obtain tickets at the following locations: Amherst Senior Center, Veteran Services in the Bangs Community Center, and the Central Services Counter on the First Floor of Town Hall (4 Boltwood Avenue, Amherst, MA 01002). Ticket sales END on November 8th. If you have questions, please call Central Hampshire Veterans’ Services 413-587-1299. The Flag Ceremony will take place at the Amherst Central Fire Station (68 North Pleasant Street, Amherst, MA 01002) at 11:00 AM on Saturday, November 11th.
MONDAY NOVEMBER 13: UNDERSTANDING ISRAEL/PALESTINE: DISPOSSESSION, RESISTANCE, AND HUMAN RIGHTS. 7:30 p.m. UMass, Mahar Auditorium (Isenberg School of Management) Award-winning Palestinian poet and writer Mohammed El-Kurd and former Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth. This event is free and open to the public but free tickets are required and can be reserved here.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14: BACK PORCH SONGWRITER SERIES: THE SONGS OF MERLE HAGGARD. 8 p.m. The Drake 44 North Pleasant Street. The collaboration with Signature Sounds continues following a sold-out October show with a tribute to country songwriting legend Merle Haggard. With Ward Hayden, Zara Bode (the Sweetback Sisters) and Billy Keane. $20 in advance, $25 at the door.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14: ACHIEVING EQUITY IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS. 7 p.m. on Zoom. League of Women Voters Judy Brooks Series with Billy Spitzer, Executive Director of the Hitchcock Center for the Environment. https://www.LWVAmherst.org.
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18: ROADTOWN TURKEY TROT 5K. (not happening in Amherst but an event for a good cause with Amherst connections). 9 a.m. Shutesbury Elementary School, 23 West Pelahm Road, Shutesbury.5k road race and kids’ fun run. Prizes. Benefits the Shutesbury Library. More information
SATURDAY NOVEMBER 18: AMHERST MEDIA GALA AND ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING. 7 p.m. Marriott Center, 11th floor of the Campus Center, UMass. The 48th annual Amherst Media gathering will be on Saturday, November 18. This year, we will celebrate with dinner and dancing as we announce plans to build the new Dr. Demetria Shabazz Center for Media Arts. It will be a night to build unity in Amherst and celebrate the future of our town. Renowned poet Martin Espada will share an original poem with us, and we will present our annual Jean Haggerty Award to Vladimir Morales (posthumous) and Victoria Silva, long-time leaders in Amherst. Tickets and sponsorship information is here!
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 19: SOUTH ASIAN FALL FESTIVAL: FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS. 2 to 4:30 p.m. Crocker Farm Elementary School, 280 West Street. Come join us for a day of dance, poetry, henna, food, art, music, crafts, and community. This event is sponsored by Town of Amherst DEI department, Human Rights Commission, Amherst Recreation, and Town Councilors.
TUESDAY NOVEMBER 21: DARK HORSE COMICS BOOK RELEASE PARTY. 5:30t to 7:30 p.m. The Spoke Live (Event side), 35 East Pleasant Street. Celebrate the new release of the Darkhorse published book Planeta Blu Rise of Agoo volume 1. Come meet the author and illustrator, buy a book, get your book signed, enjoy a live book reading. D.J. and light hors d’oeuvres. This is a free event open to all ages.
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22: AMHERST SURVIVAL CENTER ANNUAL COMMUNITY FALL MEAL. 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Amherst Survival Center 138 Sunderland Road. Please join us for our annual community fall meal Celebrating Native American Heritage and Giving Thanks to our Community. Served in our dining room and also as a to-go meal outside. All are welcome.
THURSDAY DECEMBER 14: SIP AND SHOP. 5 to 9 p.m. 45 South Pleasant Street (previous site of A.J. Hastings). Maker’s market now has an all-alcohol license. Also, horse drawn carriage rides. Sponsored by the Amherst Business Improvement District.
FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH. RAINBOW COFFEE HOUR. 10-11 a.m. Amherst Senior Center, Bangs Center, 70 Boltwood Walk. The Rainbow Coffee Hour is a new LGBTIA+ social coffee group for ages 50 and above. Join us for this welcoming space to socialize. No format, no agenda, just community. The July coffee hour will be held on July 11, due to July 4 being the first Tuesday of the month.
FIRST AND THIRD TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH (EXCLUDING JULY): NORTHAMPTON JAZZ WORKSHOP. The Drake. 44 North Pleasant Street. 7:30 p.m. Free (donations accepted). Featuring the Green Street trio with a special guest. Featured set at 7:30 followed by an open jam session. Bring your axe. Full calendar of events here.
SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH (EXCLUDING JULY): OPEN MIC NIGHT AT THE DRAKE. 44 North Pleasant Street. Free event. Performers arrive by 5:30 p.m. Stage time: 6 p.m – 10 p.m. All ages. Younger performers will be slotted earler. All performers and styles of performances welcome, including but not limited to: music (of all kinds) – acoustic, folk, rock, hip hop, jazz, classical, etc…comedy, spoken word / readings, poetry, dance, performance art. House rules and more information.
FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH: MOBILE FOOD PROGRAM. 1-2 p.m. The Boulders, 156 Brittany Manor Drive. Free produce. No registration necessary. Open to everyone. Brought by the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts and the Amherst Survival Center. The Food Bank truck will be in the parking lot near apartments 115-125.
LAST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH: CRAFT AND CONVERSE. Mill District General Store and Local Art Gallery, 91 Cowls Road. 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Are you tired of creating in solitude? Looking to connect with other artistic individuals? Grab your sketchbook, knitting bag, or water color gear and join our monthly coworking group! Craft and converse, hosted by Easthampton artist Kaia Zimmerman, is held the last Wednesday of every month from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This welcoming, intentional space is designed for community members to come together for a casual, social evening while pursuing their own creative projects. Drop-ins welcome, but registration encouraged for any weather-related changes in schedule. Bring your own arts or crafts project (BYOA) to work on. Ages 16+.
EVERY WEDNESDAY : CAN’T REMEMBER CAFE. Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Are you or a loved one experiencing memory loss? At the Amherst Senior Center, we understand memory changes and have developed a new program based on the popular Memory Café format. The Can’t Remember (CR) Café offers fun, relaxation, and of course, snacks. This program is perfect for caregivers, people with mild memory loss, or anyone in the community who enjoys good conversation and strong coffee. Each Can’t Remember Café opens with a coffee and conversation hour, followed by a group activity. Join us on Wednesday, November 30th for a performance by our special musical guests, “Healing Hearts with Harmony” at 11:00am. Come for the coffee, stay for the connections! Email seniorcenter@amherstma.gov or call 413-259-3060 with questions.
EVERY THURSDAY: STITCH CIRCLE. 4 to 6 p.m. Mill District Local Art Gallery and General Store, 91 Cowls Road. Grab your needles, venture to the General Store, and join us for our first Stitch Circle. Knitters, quilters, embroidery artists, and crocheters are all invited. Free.
FRIDAYS SEPTEMBER 29 THROUGH NOVEMBER 10: FIVE COLLEGE LEARNING IN RETIREMENT ENCORE PRESENTATIONS AND LECTURES. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Zoom. Encore is a re-presentation of the best presentations from the previous semester. Nominations are made to moderators from each class, or directly to the Encore team. Presenters who are nominated have the option of presenting, and of updating their presentation with additional material before giving it during an Encore session. For a list of topics and to register, contact Kristin Langevin at fclic@fivecolleges.edu.
EVERY SATURDAY THROUGH NOVEMBER 18: AMERST FARMERS” MARKET. Amherst Town Common. 7:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. This year’s market will features 45 vendors (so far) and has room to sign up a few more. More information
NOW UNTIL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 30: PHOTOGRAPHY BY RENEE HILL AND MARK LINDHULT AT THE BURNETT GALLERY. Jones Library. Renee Hill is a macro photographer who captures creatures around us. You can find her work at https://www.reneesphotographyadventures.com/ . Mark Lindhult is a professor emeritus of Landscape Architecture whose passion is photographing birds and wildlife in their native environment to illustrate the importance of habitat preservation. His photos can be viewed at https://www.marklindhult.com/ .There will be an opening reception for Renee Hill on Sunday, November 5 from 3 to 5 p.m. and for Mark Lindhult on Tuesday, November 7 from 4:30 to 6:30
NOW UNTIL FRIDAY DECEMBER 8: CLAUS FOR A CAUSE. The Amherst Council on Aging will be collecting donations of warm clothes, puzzle books, tea, cocoa, candies, lotion, lip balm, etc. to be packed into gift bags and delivered to older adults. Donation boxes available at the Bangs Center from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. until December 8.
NOW THROUGH FRIDAY JANUARY 5: UMASS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARY GLOBAL HEALTH EXHIBIT. 9 a.m – 5 p.m. Sunday thorugh Friday. 740 N. Pleasant St. Around the world, communities, in collaboration with scientists, activists, governments, and international organizations, are taking up the challenge to prevent disease and improve quality of life. Making a World of Difference: Stories about Global Health examines stories of the people who are working on a wide range of issues—from community health to conflict, disease to discrimination—to improve health in their areas and beyond. Free.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY 7, 2024: BOUNDLESS, WORKS BY NATIVE AMERICAN ARTISTS AND WRITERS. Mead Art Museum, Amherst College, 41 Quadrangle Drive. Boundless is a nearly museum-wide exhibition that features work by Native American writers and artists, grounded in but not contained to the Northeast. Boundless takes shape like water, moving across generations and geographies, and expanding conversations about kinship, presence, resistance, and history through its flow. The exhibition never chooses one path, but moves in multiple directions and broadens as it goes. A wide range of materials from Amherst College’s Collection of Native American Literature and the Mead form the core of the exhibition, and are joined by key works on loan from artists and other institutional and private collections. Curated by Heid Erdrich, a member of the Ojibwe people of Minnesota. Hours 9 to 5 Tuesday through Sunday, Open until 10 p.m. on Thursdays during the semester.
NOW UNTIL JANUARY: WINTER COAT DRIVE. Amherst Survival Center, 138 Sunderland Road, is accepting new and gently used winter coats for a pop-up event in January. Donations may be dropped off at the center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays (closed on Wednesdays).