Town Councilors Lopes and Miller Receive Recognition

Town Councilors Lopes and Miller Receive Recognition

Town Councilors Anika Lopes (L) and Michele Miller (R). Photos: Facebook

Lopes Recognized as Indigenous Leader
Councilor Anika Lopes (District 4) was voted one of the Indigenous Leaders of Massachusetts as voted by MassLive readers. Councilor Lopes was recognized for her artistic drive, which was first motivated by her grandfather Dudley Bridges’ restoration work on Civil War tablets, now on display at the Bangs Center. Lopes’ mother, Debora Bridges, was also instrumental in promoting the restoration and display of the marble tablets that commemorate Amherst residents who fought in the Civil War, including two Black regiments.

Miller Honored for Work on Reparations
Councilor Michele Miller (District 1) was recognized by the National African American Reparations Commission (NAARC) and Robin Rue Simmons’ First Repair for her work advancing Reparations Now through the African Heritage Reparation Assembly. At the NAARC’s third symposium, the town’s representatives were part of over 200 attendees representing more than 75 initiatives. The Town of Amherst was held up as an inspiration to, and generative spread of, reparations in the country.

Both Lopes and Miller will end their service on the council at the end of the year.

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2 thoughts on “Town Councilors Lopes and Miller Receive Recognition

  1. These folks are so deserving of our appreciation and I hope we will continue to have both Anika and Michelle play important roles in our town in terms of a more inclusive history for our country and in terms of our reparations work.

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