Letter: Councilors Promised “Not a Penny More of Town Money” for the Jones Library Expansion

Pennies. Penny

Photo: Daniel Foster /Flckr.com. (CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED)

In the most recent town council meeting, Mandi Jo Hannake, speaking in opposition to revising the Memorandum of Agreement that the town has with the Jones Library trustees in order to specify the trustee’s fiscal obligations in the face of requests for more borrowing, is quoted as saying, “I don’t see why we cannot trust our fellow elected officials that they will uphold their word on that agreement.” This from someone (actually one of several) who, before the most recent election said, “…the Town’s share [of funding for the library project] will not increase” and now argues for borrowing an additional $9 million and for the costs of the borrowing to be picked up by the town. Our counselors need to be reminded of their campaign promises. Asking us to trust them is ironic at best.

Lou Conover

Lou Conover is a resident of Amherst

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