Public Forums on Police Resident Oversight Board

The town will hold the first of four open public forum on Sunday December 17 at 1:00 p.m to collect public opinion on the creation of a Resident Oversight Board that would be charged with hearing resident complaints about police misconduct. The public is invited to learn about the proposed board., to share views on how to best ensure public safety accountability, and to share their own experiences with the Amherst police, all with the aim of racial equity in public safety in Amherst. Ā
The forum will be held in person in the Town Room or Town Hall, 4 Boltwood Avenue, as well as on line.
Spanish and Chinese interpretation will be available.
Join the meeting on line here.
Or join by phone:
301-715-8592 or 305-224-1968
Webinar ID: 860 0209 3110
Childcare available: call 413-259-0360
Subsequent public forums will be held on:
Wednesday January 10 at 6 p.m.
Thursday January 18 at 6 p.m.
Sunday January 21 at 1 p.m.
Consult the flyer links below for more information
Unable to participate? Please complete our online survey! Use the QR code below (also found on any of the event flyers below)

Printable flier with survey English version
Printable flier with survey Chinese version
Printable flier with survey Spanish version