Cuppa Joe with Paul Bockelman and the CRESS Interim Leadership Team

Town Manager Paul Bockelman will be at the Bangs Community Center, Large Activity Room on Friday, January 5 from 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. for the first Cuppa Joe with Paul coffee of the new year. Bockleman will be joined by the town’s Interim CRESS Leadership Team. We will have coffee to share.
The CRESS Leadership Team has continued to move the CRESS Department forward as we search for a new director. The Leadership Team is comprised of DEI Director Pamela Young, Fire Chief Tim Nelson, Police Sergeant Janet Griffin, and CRESS Program Assistant Kat Newman.
The “Cuppa’ Joe with Paul” coffees are a monthly event and rotate around the town. Each time, Bockleman is joined by a different town department head or official. Residents and others are welcome to share their concerns, offer suggestions, or just get to know each other.
For more information:
Angela Mills – 413-259-3002 –