Letter: Governor’s State of the Commonwealth Address Offers a Big Vision

Governor Maura Healy delivering her first State of the Commonwealth Address on January 17, 2024. Photo: YouTube / National Governor's Association
On Wednesday evening it was my great pleasure to attend Governor Healy‘s first State of the Commonwealth address to the People of the Commonwealth in the House Chamber at a joint meeting of Massachusetts State Senate and House of Representatives. .
It was a rousing call to action on the pressing issues and opportunities of the day.
When asked by a reporter after the speech, “What did you think of the speech?” I responded, “ It’s a big vision. And, I like big visions!” The reporter followed up with, “Can it be done?” My response, “ Not overnight . But, if everyone puts their shoulders to the wheel, a lot can get done.”
Of note, was that when speaking of particular priorities, I recall the names of only four legislators being mentioned – the Speaker, Senate President and two Western Mass legislators – Senator Comerford and Representative Blais. And only one was mentioned twice- our Senator Jo Comerford. Way to go Jo! You’re in great Company ! We’re grateful for your leadership!
And now, I invite you to find some time this weekend. Settle into your most comfortable reading chair, with a hot or cold beverage of your choice, and read our Governor’s inspiring vision for an even better future. You can read the address here.
When you finish reading . Think about what you can do to help her lead us to that even better Commonwealth !
Stan Rosenberg
Amherst Resident Stan Rosenberg is past President of the Massachusetts Senate.