New Appointments to Town Building Committees

Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene.
Town Manager Paul Bockelman nominated a new member to serve on the Elementary School Building Committee and two new members to serve on the Jones Library Building Committee at the Town Council meeting of January 22. All three nominations were approved unanimously by the Town Council.
Elementary School Building Committee
Nominated for a seat on the Elementary School Building Committee was Deb Leonard. Leonard will be the designated School Committee representative and will fill the seat vacated by Roger Wallace. Her appointment is for a term lasting until the end of the Massachusetts School Building Authority’s involvement in the project.
Bockelman noted that the town is advertising for a community member to fill the vacancy left by the recent resignation of committee member Phoebe Merriam.
The committee charge and composition can be found here.
Jones Library Building Committee
To serve on the Jones Library Building Committee for terms that will continue until the end of the building process, Bockelman nominated Town Councilor Pam Roomeny and Library Trustee Fara Ameen. Rooney will replace former Town Councilor Anika Lopes. Ameen will replace former library trustee Alex Lefebvre.
The charge and composition of the committee can be found here.