Library Construction Documents: 3400 Pages of Specs Plus a Few Questions

Library Project Bid Documents Now Available Online
After two years and close to $2 million in expenditures for design, consulting, and project management costs, the Town of Amherst now has a set of construction documents with which to solicit contractor bids for the Jones Library Demolition-Renovation-Expansion Project.
The documentation is no light read. It includes a 267-page set of detailed schematics, specifying all aspects of construction (see Index). Topics covered range from how demolition should be conducted, to the thickness of window glazing to be installed, to where furniture should be positioned once procured, to exterior lighting and sitework.

Accompanying the schematics is a 3-volume, 3100-page Project Manual (see Table of Contents) describing the relationship between the Contractor and the Town of Amherst, and offering instructions for handling the wide variety of materials used and systems implemented.
The Construction Documents were prepared by Finegold Alexander Architects (FAA) whom the town has paid $1,553,250 to date for design and document preparation work. Colliers Project Leaders has billed the town $203,538 for project management services during the same period. Additional costs incurred include fees to cost estimators, furniture consultants, a commissioning agent, a consultancy pursuing historic tax credits, and for permitting.
After reviewing the Construction Documents, prospective general and sub-contractors will be submitting bids to complete the construction work. The Project Manual states that General Bids will be received until February 28, 2024 while Sub-bids will be received until February 14. The Town Council has authorized borrowing $46.1 million for the building project.
See related Opinion: Councilors Approved Another $10M for Jones Expansion but Got Nothing in Return
The Amherst Indy has created a repository where the Jones Library Construction Documents may be viewed.

Questions Remain
While impressive in detail, the Construction Documents leave some questions unanswered. For example,
Energy Efficiency
Appendix F of the Project Manual describes the analysis of the design’s Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI) required by the Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code. Andelman and Lelek Engineering report that the proposed building design meets state TEDI measurement threshholds. However, the summary explains that the analysis was modeled against the 35,402 square feet of new construction, but ignored TEDI performance in the significantly remodeled historic portion of the library.
The stretch energy code applies to both new construction and renovation work. The Jones Library has been awarded $1.1 million from the federal government for sustainability improvements. The schematics show no evidence of photovoltaic panels or other on-site energy generation.
Strong House Protection
The Amherst Historical Society (AHS) which owns the abutting 280-year-old Strong House Museum has expressed concerns about possible damage from construction vehicles driving on their property, and has asked the Jones Library to limit the width of its requested construction easement to 15 feet.
Construction Document page 10 labeled LOGISTICS shows a 20-foot-wide swath along the library property line with the description “20’ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT ON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PROPERTY.” Has a construction easement agreement with the AHS been reached, or might a bidding contractor assume a 20’ easement that may not actually exist?
Financial Viability
Project Manual Section 2.2 on page 43 lays out responsibilities of the project owner which is the Town of Amherst. The section states that upon request,
“Owner shall furnish to the Contractor reasonable evidence that the Owner has made financial arrangements to fulfill the Owner’s obligations under the Contract.”
Given the uncertainties surrounding the overall cost of the project, the Jones Library’s ability to raise its share of the cost, and risks expressed by several town councilors during the vote to authorize an additional $10 million in borrowing, is the town in a position to offer such assurances?
See related Town Leaders Silent as Library Misses First Payment of $2M