Amherst Survival Center Receives $430,000 Farm to Pantry Grant

Photo: Amherst Survival Center
Amherst Survival Center Executive Director Lev BenEzra reported in a recent newsletter that the center has received a $430,000 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources to purchase local food for the food pantry for the 2024 and 2025 fiscal years. The Local Food Purchasing Assistance Plus Program is designed to strengthen the local food system, supporting local farmers and producers, and providing food to the record number of people experiencing food insecurity.
BenEzra noted that the Survival Center was selected in a highly competitive process for a portion of the $8.2 million to be distributed across the commonwealth. In all, 42 businesses and organizations were awarded grants through the program. BenEzra said almost all of the grant money will go directly to local farmers and food producers to buy food to distribute to users of the center. She said the grant allows the center to offer healthier options, more variety, and greater consistency of staples, fresh food, and culturally appropriate food items.
The Amherst Survival Center provides two full weeks of food to over 3,300 people each month, an all-time high in usage. It also served 1.4 million meals to more than 10,000 community members last year.
In other Survival Center news, the 16th annual Empty Bowls fundraiser will be held on Saturday, April 6 from 12 to 4 p.m. Tickets will go on sale next week.