Munson Library Seeking Funds for Infrastructure Improvements

Munson Memorial Library in Amherst. Photo: Art Keene
The Munson Memorial Library Trustees have spent their last few meetings this winter getting a handle on planned improvements to the building’s mechanical, weatherization, and accessibility needs (January 17, 2024 meeting video is here; the February 12, 2024 meeting video can be viewed here). Jeremiah Laplante, Director of Facilities, informed them that while there is already some funding in hand, more is required to complete the work in a logical order.
In 2019, Town Meeting authorized funding to replace the oil fired boiler with air source heat pumps. Additional funds were approved by Town Council in 2020 to improve the building’s thermal envelope, a project that would best precede the heating system switch as equipment installation would require opening spaces in the walls and ceilings. The building also needs a fire alarm system and electrical improvements, which would also require work behind walls and ceilings. That work is not yet funded.
Improved accessibility to the building is also sought in the form of a wheelchair accessible ramp and entry to the south facing door in the auditorium. This would provide a direct means of access to this space, which is rented for community activities and used as a District 5 polling station during elections. Staff liaison Jennier Moyston reported that there is always a high demand for this space, which has already increased because of planned construction at the Jones Library.
Laplante has been coordinating with town Sustainability Director Stephanie Ciccarello to wean the Munson Library off of fossil fuels. They plan to apply for a $500,000 Green Communities Grant later this year that would help support these efforts. This is a state program offered through the Department of Energy Resources. A recent application for a Massachusetts Office on Disability grant to fund the renovation of the south entryway and ramp was not successful. Laplante, however, stated that this project has “a lot of town support” and he indicated that they will continue to look for other revenue sources, including grants and capital budget requests.