Council Announces Four Sessions to Discuss Regional School Budget, New Proclamations

school budget, education

Photo: istock

Several upcoming meetings this month will deal with the Regional School budget. To combat a $1.7 million shortfall, the regional schools have petitioned Amherst for $750,000 more than the amount specified by Town Manager Paul Bockelman in order to maintain 14 student-facing positions that were slated to be cut. 

  • NEW TIME: The Finance Committee will continue its discussion from April 5 on Tuesday, April 16 at 4 p.m. (This is a change from the earlier announced time of 2 p.m., due to “an error in public posting timing.”)
  • There will be a Four Towns Meeting about the regional school budget in the Middle School library on Saturday, April 20. Virtual coverage hopefully will be arranged.
  • There will be a Public Hearing on the Regional School budget and meeting of the Finance Committee and council on Thursday, April 25 at 5 p.m. (virtual only).
  • The Town Council will hold a special meeting about the Regional School budget on Monday, April 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Proclamations on Children’s Mental Health Acceptance and Jewish American Heritage Month 
The two proclamations. on Children’s Mental Health Acceptance week and Jewish American Heritage month, were passed on the consent agenda at the April 8 Town Council meeting.

The theme for this year’s Children’s Mental Health Acceptance week proclamation is “Lighting the Path to Social Justice for Children and Youth.” May 5–11 will recognize the 20% of American children and youth who live with a mental illness and “help cultivate awareness for all residents of Amherst.” It also “urges residents and organizations to work toward meeting the mental health needs of every child in Amherst and to promote acceptance of children with mental health issues and their families.” The proclamation was sponsored by Councilors At-large Mandi Jo Hanneke and Andy Steinberg.

The 2024 Jewish American Heritage month will be celebrated in May, with a reading of the proclamation at 4:30 on May 7 at Sweetser Park, across Main Street from Town Hall. The proclamation states: 

“NOW, THEREFORE, we the Amherst Town Council, do hereby proclaim the month of May to be Jewish American Heritage Month in the Town of Amherst and encourage all to celebrate the history and contributions of Jewish Americans to our culture and society.”

The proclamation is sponsored by Councilors Lynn Griesemer, Pam Rooney, Andy Steinberg, and Jennifer Taub with community sponsors Hilda Greenbaum, Dorothy Pam, and Rabbi Benjamin Weiner.

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