- Anita Sarro on Why Did Dan Muscat Resign from the Charter Review Committee?: “Here is the Charter Review Committee’s statement on seeking public input. We should take them at their word. https://www.amherstma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/76473/Charter-Review-Committee-Press-Release-12-23-24” Mar 13, 17:31
- Why Did Dan Muscat Resign from the Charter Review Committee?: “Josna, yes, there are actions that any Amherst resident can take, starting with submitting public comments, either online through the…” Mar 13, 15:41on
- Why Did Dan Muscat Resign from the Charter Review Committee?: “Perhaps someone from the Amherst League of Women Voters review committee, or one of its keen observers, would be willing…” Mar 12, 23:33on
- Why Did Dan Muscat Resign from the Charter Review Committee?: “This is too bad–losing a sincere community volunteer, especially someone new to town committees and eager to serve. As a…” Mar 12, 14:22on
- Third Deadline Extension Approved for Jones Library Project: “I find it ironic that an institution based on the ability and importance of people to read has ALREADY spent…” Mar 10, 11:24on
- Third Deadline Extension Approved for Jones Library Project: “The “political muscle” letter written by Mindy Domb and Jo Comerford embedded in Jeff Lee’s comment is a must read.…” Mar 10, 11:17on
- The History of Housing in New England Part 5: Post World War II to the Present: “For another perspective on housing, it is worth reading Prof. Scott Galloway’s views on Linked-In, for his ‘No Malice, No…” Mar 9, 15:45on
- Third Deadline Extension Approved for Jones Library Project: “Maria Kopicki’s observations of a broken MBLC grant program are spot on. Its goal is to increase library programming space…” Mar 9, 12:39on
- Councilor Devlin Gauthier Asks for More Money for Schools: “The Town should consider forming a committee to analyze all forms of potential revenue generation. Granted that this is a…” Mar 8, 20:56on
- Opinion: Charter Review Committee Should Listen to What the Public Has Already Said: “Denise Barbaret is correct. It’s as if our little town government can’t listen to constituents and then make decisions that…” Mar 8, 12:10on
- Councilor Devlin Gauthier Asks for More Money for Schools: “When I was a teacher in Northampton, then in Springfield MA we always said Fair is not Equal. We were…” Mar 8, 10:25on
- Jones Trustees Stand Firm on Renovation Plans Despite MHC Concerns: “The work of the Library general contractor is going to be changed by the deletion of work on the historic…” Mar 8, 06:33on
- Councilor Devlin Gauthier Asks for More Money for Schools: “I am very appreciative of Councilor Devlin Gauthier’s advocacy on this issue. I think it is fair to ask whether…” Mar 8, 05:51on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Clarifying the Work of Amherst’s Residents’ Oversight Board Advisory Committee As a former town councilor, I am honored to serve…” Mar 8, 05:37on
- Opinion: Charter Review Committee Should Listen to What the Public Has Already Said: “The promise of the new Town Charter was efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency — all qualities that Town Meeting sorely lacked,…” Mar 8, 00:18on
- Councilor Devlin Gauthier Asks for More Money for Schools: “Many thanks to Councillor Ana D-G for speaking up on behalf of our greatest public responsibility: educating our next generations!…” Mar 7, 22:57on
- Jones Trustees Stand Firm on Renovation Plans Despite MHC Concerns: “The disposal of the historic woodwork requires following the Town’s written disposal process requirements, if the value of the woodwork…” Mar 7, 16:40on
- Best Campus Food Celebration to Showcase Award Winning College Chefs: “I’m very proud of UMass for prioritizing local, organic, sustainable food, climate solutions and zero waste. Not only does UMass…” Mar 7, 14:59on
- Third Deadline Extension Approved for Jones Library Project: “My public comment at this meeting asked the MBLC to engage in some self-assessment and change its ways as their…” Mar 7, 14:50on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “When Ed was in High School, teenagers probably had a reasonable expectation of upward mobility through gainful employment and home…” Mar 7, 11:59on
- Best Campus Food Celebration to Showcase Award Winning College Chefs: “This article https://grist.org/food/should-colleges-treat-their-students-to-fine-dining-or-financial-aid/ is a little old but it poses some good questions: how do colleges and universities prioritize their…” Mar 7, 11:49on
- Allegations Against School Superintendent Unsubstantiated: “Hi Sherrill, I think we’ve got to be careful not to conflate the issues that arose a couple years ago…” Mar 6, 12:15on
- Allegations Against School Superintendent Unsubstantiated: “What a relief. It’s about time. This cabal of anonymous accusations over the past several years has been disturbing and…” Mar 5, 18:10on
- Deer Hunting Take at All-time High in Amherst: “How do we as hunters know if it’s a recreational area or not? Can hunters use recreational area’s to utilize…” Mar 5, 14:04on
- Opinion: Is the Fix in on the Once-in-a-Decade Charter Review?: “Amen (can I say that?) Bob. The problem with what you so logically and intelligently propose seems to be that…” Mar 4, 18:17on
- Opinion: Is the Fix in on the Once-in-a-Decade Charter Review?: “The governing politics where I work at a public institution of higher learning that is populated by liberal, progressive people…” Mar 4, 11:47on
- on
- Letter: Town Manager Seeks Third Extension on Jones Library Contract Deadline: “It’s not simply a vanity project: it’s a modern-day version of “block-busting”! The block that’s being busted is the North…” Mar 3, 11:50on
- Letter: Town Manager Seeks Third Extension on Jones Library Contract Deadline: “The prospect of tearing down a practically new addition(1992) at the Jones was incredibly unappealing before seeing the rendering of…” Mar 3, 05:20on
- Opinion: Is the Fix in on the Once-in-a-Decade Charter Review?: “Thanks, Darcy, for the blow-by-blow description of Amherst power politics, made possible by our lopsided and arguably unconstitutional home rule…” Mar 1, 21:50on
- Letter: Retired? Kids Grown? Did Your Children Benefit from Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools? We Need Your Help!: “Un fortunately, we also have “retired educators” in our community who are still relatively young but who must work at…” Mar 1, 10:50on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “For all the talk of “community service” and the rest, there are over 1000 students in the Middle & High…” Mar 1, 10:31on
- Letter: Retired? Kids Grown? Did Your Children Benefit from Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools? We Need Your Help!: “We have a community full of retired educators. Why not set up a volunteer tutoring group to get the 48%…” Mar 1, 09:12on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Thank you, Laura, for posting this so quickly! I join the family, the several behind this effort, those who have…” Mar 1, 08:25on
- Opinion: Is the Fix in on the Once-in-a-Decade Charter Review?: “Without real checks and balances in the structure of town government — which means having an elected mayor — we…” Mar 1, 07:58on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “Why not have the council and town manager and our state reps put more pressure on UMass to build more…” Mar 1, 07:56on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Thank you, Adrienne and Laura!!” Mar 1, 07:41on
- Jones Trustees Stand Firm on Renovation Plans Despite MHC Concerns: “Early this past week, I asked acting OPM Bob Peirent what the Town’s plans are in terms of rebidding for…” Feb 28, 23:50on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “Our planning board have been big supporters of increasing our capacity for student housing . They supported a hardship exemption…” Feb 28, 20:36on
- Jones Trustees Stand Firm on Renovation Plans Despite MHC Concerns: “thank you Jeff. I keep hoping/praying that someone with common sense will STOP this demolition/expansion of our beloved Jones Library.…” Feb 28, 20:35on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Thank you, Adrienne, for that info. There is now a gofundme set up to take donations for this family: https://www.gofundme.com/f/zb4662-help-sheetal-and-shivaji-rebuild-after-fire/” Feb 28, 20:31on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “I think Mr. Pill has supported my point-all those forms of multiunit housing can be allowed in residential neighborhoods. If…” Feb 28, 17:37on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “I’ll say one last thing then let it go for the weekend. Ask yourselves, please: Could it be, the reason…” Feb 28, 16:54on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “If a dormitory can find its way to our downtown , anything is possible these days . I wouldn’t rule…” Feb 28, 16:40on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “From further shoestring coverage: After pressing the crowd away from the arrests, police refused to let anyone — including identified…” Feb 28, 16:31on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “An emotional response? Oh, pardon me I forgot that expressing emotion invalidates one’s intellect. Incidentally, Bryan, you ever read bell…” Feb 28, 15:35on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Our previous Police Chief, Scott Livingstone, frequently pointed out that it had been over 40 years since an Amherst police…” Feb 28, 14:47on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Jonathan Sivel: Dana Stevens poses some excellent info and observations. Right in the caption of the photo at theshoestring.org that…” Feb 28, 13:54on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “In response to Janet McGowan’s comment above, please see the Amherst Zoning Bylaw, online at www.amherstma.gov/476/Zoning-Bylaw-Map. Section 3.3 at pages…” Feb 28, 13:19on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “What residential zoning district in Amherst is limited to single family houses? I don’t know of any. Every residential zoning…” Feb 28, 12:20on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “Thanks Ira for the thoughtful essay. With an M.A. degree in Urban & Regional Planning, and having taught the history…” Feb 28, 10:37on
- Letter: Will Advocates for More Housing in Amherst Support Eliminating Single Family Residential Zoning and Reducing Minimum Lot Sizes?: “Analysis of Amherst Housing Zoning Proposals by perplexity.ai, prompted by Ira Bryck, who is too busy and/or lazy to write…” Feb 28, 08:34on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Rita and Arlie, the PD makes their call logs available to the public and all complaints against officers are part…” Feb 27, 17:22on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Thank you Arlie. Yes, I forgot to mention this: There were definitely APD officers present. Local outlets reported on it…” Feb 27, 13:36on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “The behavior of the police with the anti-war protesters on the UMass campus last spring sounded pretty physical from what…” Feb 27, 11:35on
- Opinion: Is the Fix in on the Once-in-a-Decade Charter Review?: “Similar comments could be made of other Council and Citizen committees. Appointments to both need to be balanced. Now many…” Feb 27, 10:00on
- Town Reaffirms Support for DEI. Updates on Youth Programming Survey and CRESS: “The town’s police log can be found here: https://www.amherstma.gov/826/Arrest-and-Call-Log” Feb 27, 09:07on
- Opinion: Is the Fix in on the Once-in-a-Decade Charter Review?: “The link to the 39 page Amherst Town charter in your first sentence is very much appreciated. Does the charter…” Feb 27, 07:55on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Perhaps such complaints are not public record or some who have them do not file complaints. After all, it’s not…” Feb 26, 18:49on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Dana, this is like asking: why should we audit the President’s taxes when he promised us he doesn’t owe anything,…” Feb 26, 18:03on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “When is the last time there has been a case of physical police violence in Amherst? I don’t recall ever…” Feb 26, 17:17on
- Opinion: Is the Fix in on the Once-in-a-Decade Charter Review?: “Are there links for some of the claims? I’m not disputing anything, I’d just like to read further.” Feb 26, 17:15on
- Town Reaffirms Support for DEI. Updates on Youth Programming Survey and CRESS: “I am I think, like many residents, unsure of what Amherst Police officers do on a day to day basis.…” Feb 26, 14:35on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Have the police apologists in this comment section ever been victims of police violence? Have they ever had a family…” Feb 26, 14:24on
- Housing Trust Questions the Limiting of Student Homes: “Oh good, phew. Folks, the town will “try it’s best.” Glad we solved that problem. When public school students “try”…” Feb 26, 14:18on
- Town Reaffirms Support for DEI. Updates on Youth Programming Survey and CRESS: “I am, I think like many residents, unsure of what CRESS staff do on a day to day basis. Is…” Feb 26, 14:00on
- Amherst History Month By Month: The Outdoor Municipal Swimming Pools of Amherst: “We are almost at the end of observing #BlackHistoryMonth so here is a wonderful excuse for adding to the history…” Feb 26, 12:33on
- Opinion: American History And The Return Of Pluto: “And dare I point out that when folks speak of oligarchs, the one they’re pointing to most often is a…” Feb 25, 22:45on
- Letter: Retired? Kids Grown? Did Your Children Benefit from Amherst-Pelham Regional Public Schools? We Need Your Help!: “Having kids in the schools is no guarantee of sympathy for the school system either, it seems. One such councilor,…” Feb 25, 12:59on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “While this important conversation is taking place and deserves solutions, a family of 3, including a 5th grader, is struggling…” Feb 25, 11:22on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Anybody who would like to find out maintenance records for the fire plugs – they are available at the DPW.…” Feb 25, 08:26on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Kathleen, the actual shut off to these hydrants are around 6’ under ground. The reason some freeze could be a…” Feb 25, 07:05on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Dana, we do not “accept” the performance of the town manager but, apparently, a majority of town council members do.…” Feb 24, 18:38on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Luckily the hydrant on our street is uncovered but how do we know if it’s frozen? We have had unprecedented…” Feb 24, 16:11on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “I offer my sincere sympathy for those who tragically lost their home on Pondview Drive and give thanks for the…” Feb 24, 14:52on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “We get what we accept. We have a town manager who focuses on vanity projects over basic needs. 5 on…” Feb 24, 12:47on
- The History of Housing in New England Part 4: A Sideways Glance to My Own Minneapolis Housing Story: “More about this historic era from the organization Wayfinders on their Facebook page “Despite racism in real estate and banking…” Feb 24, 10:22on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Well said and thank you Michael Pill. Amherst is lucky that Gabe Ting is our Chief of Police. Earlier in…” Feb 24, 09:09on
- Opinion: American History And The Return Of Pluto: ““Will we lose our democratic experiment to fascism, economic collapse, or civil war?” Prescient remarks and all three entirely possible…” Feb 24, 03:28on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “The town of amherst can’t seem to provide basic services . That was just a small ranch house What happens…” Feb 24, 03:00on
- Jones Library Project Faces Hard Decisions: “I agree that the reality here is wasteful spending of all of our money by a few who have what…” Feb 23, 14:31on
- Jones Library Project Faces Hard Decisions: “As an update: Bob Peirent reports that the town did NOT send a response last week to the MHC. He…” Feb 23, 14:14on
- Collins Center Presents Potential Work Plan for Charter Review: “The polite term for this is “unitary executive” — would that give us proles “efficiency to the max”?” Feb 23, 08:44on
- Planning Board Recommends Increased Lot Size for Added Units in RG Zone : ““ A bad look for Amherst “ ? A dormitory in downtown , and the back door process that accompanied…” Feb 22, 20:21on
- Jones Library Project Faces Hard Decisions: “Perhaps the Jones is being incarnated as a social center because MLBC sees the days of libraries as book repositories…” Feb 22, 16:19on
- Collins Center Presents Potential Work Plan for Charter Review: “Another area needing a hard look is the propensity for “stacking” committees or leaving vacancies for several years on end…” Feb 22, 15:14on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Doing court-appointed criminal defense legal work, I learned first hand that there really is a police “thin blue line” that…” Feb 22, 14:21on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “Objections of the police union seem pretty weak, if not knee-jerk. The are not substantiated with any facts, that is,…” Feb 22, 12:55on
- Amherst Fire Department Responds to Fire on Pondview Drive: “Why was there a light response from amherst fire ? There were more trucks from surrounding towns Why were those…” Feb 22, 12:39on
- Jones Library Project Faces Hard Decisions: “Now is the time to “take the blinders off” and deal with REALITY. This project needs to be ended. It…” Feb 22, 06:58on
- Collins Center Presents Potential Work Plan for Charter Review: “One issue, is that the Collins Center could consider that the town manager makes more than the mayor of Northampton.…” Feb 22, 05:06on
- Jones Library Project Faces Hard Decisions: “50 feet closer to the Appalachian Trail and $50 million closer to Appalachia?” Feb 21, 23:43on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “True Rani, there is a web page for the Resident’s Oversight Board working group, but it has no minutes and…” Feb 21, 18:56on
- Introduction to the History of Housing in New England, Part 2: Early Privately Funded Housing Developments: “Readers of this Feature may be interested in this housing scheme, shared by the New York Landmarks Conservancy as part…” Feb 21, 16:24on
- ACHP Calls for More Protection of Historic Jones Library: “The Town’s Bob Peirent did an excellent job of figuring out a way to avoid a complete general contractor rebid…” Feb 21, 16:20on
- Amherst Police Object to Creation of Resident Oversight Board: “I’ve been a member of this Board on behalf of the Human Rights Commission. I have attended all but the…” Feb 21, 11:48on
- Collins Center Presents Potential Work Plan for Charter Review: “I am grateful for Anita Sarro’s coverage of the meetings of the Charter Review Committee but I don’t know how…” Feb 20, 16:09on
- Ask Perplexity AI: What Are the Risks to the Town of Continued Development of Five Story Private Dorms Downtown?: “That’s great idea, retro fitting the dorms. I would love to relive my college days …, Part 2.on
” Feb 20, 11:26
- Ask Perplexity AI: What Are the Risks to the Town of Continued Development of Five Story Private Dorms Downtown?: “Are UMass, Hampshire College and Amherst College dorms full? Can school occupancy data be provided to town officials? What percent…” Feb 20, 08:53on
- Ask Perplexity AI: What Are the Risks to the Town of Continued Development of Five Story Private Dorms Downtown?: “Hi Curt, Here are my responses to a few things you point out. We are friends, and I see this…” Feb 19, 09:14on