Latest Charter Review Considers Town Manager, Incorporation of Powers, and Elections

Photo: Blue Diamond Gallery
By Art and Maura Keene
The League of Women Voters of Amherst (LWVA) Charter Review Task Force held its second of three discussions on the upcoming charter review process on April 14 on Zoom. The first discussion looked at a few sections of the Amherst Home Rule Charter pertaining to the Town Council (Article 1) and to financial policies and procedures (Article 5). The second discussion was on the Town Manager (Article 3), Incorporation Powers (Article 1), and Elections (Article 7). A recording of the meeting is expected to be posted on the LWVA website.
As in the first discussion, the Task Force opened the discussion by explaining the background of the LWVA’s town charter education efforts, beginning with an educational program for town voters in 2018 and continuing with the Task Force work reviewing the new charter. The Task Force conducted a survey of residents in 2023 on town government performance, followed by its current work of looking at what specific amendments to the charter might be needed after five years of experience with a Town Council/Town Manager form of government. The League’s efforts are focused on whether the new charter is delivering a government that complies with the League’s good government principles of accountability, checks and balances, widespread inclusiveness and participation, diversity, transparency, honesty, non-corruptibility, and efficiency.
The second discussion included presentations by Task Force members on six sections of the charter that may or may not need amendment and comments by participants.
Questions included the following.
On the Town Manager:
- Should the length of the Town Manager’s contract be the same as the length of a Council session?
- Should the powers and duties of the Town Manager be limited or delineated more clearly?
- Should resident committee applications submitted to the Town Manager be considered public records/open to public view?
- Should the Town Manager’s evaluation be conducted by an independent third party?
On Incorporation, Powers (Form of government):
Should the Charter include an elected executive?
On Elections:
Should the Town elections be held in even numbered years to coincide with national elections?
The March 17 and April 14 slide presentations, with rationales for possible amendments can be found here.
There will be a meeting for League members on June 2, prior to the Annual Meeting.
The next charter review session will be held on Sunday, May 5 from 2:00 to– 3:30 p.m. The agenda is as follows:
Public Participation (Article 8)
Transition Procedures (Article 10)
Zoom link: