Town Seeks Nominations for Annual Youth Hero Awards

The Amherst Human Rights CommissioN (HRC) calls for nominations for its annual Youth Hero Awards. HRC’s mission is to ensure that no power goes unchecked and that all residents are afforded equal protection under the law. The current HRC is majority BIPOC and ranges from college students to seniors. An important aim is to promote a community of mutual respect and to honor the diversity of our community. We strive to promote attitudes of compassion and concern for our neighbors. To encourage these values in Amherst, we have initiated the Human Rights Youth Heroism Awards, an annual celebration of Amherst area youth. 2024 represents the eighteenth year of these awards!
It is the commission’s intent to identify and celebrate youth who have shown a special gift from the heart or an ability to love and care for one another. We are looking for young people who have demonstrated acts of kindness, usefulness, social courage and/or community service within their families, their schools, or the community. Please help us by nominating a youth you have observed displaying one or more of these traits in the past year. Youth groups may also be nominated to share an award. Nominations are solicited from any person who has observed exceptional kindness or consideration in any young person. Youth who are not from Amherst but attend school in Amherst are eligible.
This year’s heroes’ community picnic will be held in collaboration with the Mill River Basketball Tournament and Race Amity Day. We hope that you can join us for a full day of activities and fun. This event will be held at Mill River Recreational Park located at 95 Montague Road on the afternoon of Sunday, June 9th. More details to come regarding the time. We will alert nominators and the award recipients prior to the event so they can make plans to celebrate. We hope to see you there!
Please use the link below to submit your nominations by Friday, May 17, 2024.