Opinion: Joint Committees Approve Superintendent Contract for E. Xiomara Herman

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School Superintendent E. Xiomara Herman, Photo: YouTube/Amherst Media

Jennifer Shiao’s School Committee Blog

Editor’s note: . Jennifer Shiao is a member of the Amherst School Committee. Her original posts can be found here.  An archive of her blog posts in The Indy can be found here.

Jennifer Shiao

Regional and Union 26 School Committees both voted unanimously on Friday May 17 to approve the superintendent contract for Dr. E. Xiomara Herman. The three-year contract will begin July 1, 2024, and includes a salary of $176,500 for the first year; salary for the subsequent two years will be negotiated. Also included is reimbursement of up to $9,500 for relocation expenses.

Herman was selected by the joint committees on April 29, after an extensive search process that included a 19-member search committee made up of community members, multiple opportunities for public input and for the public to meet the finalists, and a two-day visit from the finalists.

Herman is currently the insular superintendent of the US Virgin Islands Department of Education. Her CV and other information can be found on the Superintendent Search webpage.

I personally am very pleased with our decision to appoint Xiomara Herman. I think she has the potential to transform our district in really positive ways. People who met her spoke of her warmth and ease in connecting with people. Her experience, expertise, and focus on being student-centered make her a great fit for our district. I look forward to welcoming her to our district and our community.

This blog reflects my own views about the Amherst and Amherst-Pelham Regional School Committees – it does not represent the view of the committees, the district, or the superintendent. This blog complies with Open Meeting Law, as long as a quorum of School Committee members do not engage in deliberations in the comments. Comments are welcome. I may respond to comments, but I will not respond to all comments. Sign up here using the “follow blog via email” form to be notified when I post a new entry.  You can email me at jennifer@jenniferamherst.org.

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