Free Food from The Mobile Food Bank, First Wednesdays at the Boulders

Mobile Food Bank distribution. Photo: Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
Source: Food Bank of Western Massachusetts
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts provides distributions of fresh groceries the first Wednesday of every month (with the exception of 7/3), from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. at the Boulders, 156 Brittany Manor Drive in Amherst (in the parking lot near apartments 115-125).
The Mobile Food Bank program reaches under-served populations throughout western Massachusetts that don’t have access to healthy foods, including families, seniors, and children.
There are no eligibility requirements to receive food from the Mobile Food Bank. Anyone in need of assistance can attend. It’s a good idea to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to distribution time, and bring your own boxes or bags to carry your food.
More information and a complete listing of Mobile Food Bank locations