Letter: Town Council is Not Authorized to Throw Unlimited Funds at Jones Library Expansion


Photo: istock

The following letter was sent to the Amherst Town Council on May 31, 2024

I want to remind you that the campaign in favor of abolishing Town Meeting and replacing it with a Town Council form of government, was predicated on the argument that it would provide “more democracy.”
Well,  Amherst voters did not give the Jones Trustees carte blanche to spend an unlimited amount of town money on the project. In a referendum in which 28% of registered voters participated, 68% voted to approve $35.6M in borrowing ($15.6M to be picked up by the town). The proposals under consideration now far exceed that amount. 

The proposals to exceed the $35.M would commit tax payers to a much higher level of debt that will be with us for decades.

If “more democracy” is the espoused value, then Town Council should insist on another referendum. I look to you to insist that the Library Trustees stay within the approved budget or seek another referendum. If they and you are convinced that you represent the will of the voters, then you will not hesitate to put this matter to a town-wide vote.

Michael Burkart

Michael Burkart is a resident of Amherst

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2 thoughts on “Letter: Town Council is Not Authorized to Throw Unlimited Funds at Jones Library Expansion

  1. Thank you Michael. The Library Trustees should stay within the approved budget or seek another referendum. There should be another town-wide vote.

    Molly Turner
    Former Jones Library Trustee

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