Photos of the Week: Bears, Oh My! by Tracy Zafian


Bears in Amherst, June 2024 #2. Photo: Tracy Zafian

A mama bear and her cubs visited our Blue Hills Road neighborhood recently and got quite close to the house.

Here is some additional information about bears in our area.

Bears Oh My! Community Chat Explores Everything You Need to Know About Bears in Amherst (Amherst Indy)

Video of the Above Panel – Bears in Amherst (YouTube)

Update on Amherst’s Family of Bears (Amherst indy)

Our feature, Photo of the Week, presents each week, a new picture by a local photographer. We invite local photographers to share their photographs here.   Please include a description/caption and an indication of who is to be credited.

Bears in Amherst, June 2024 #3. Photo: Tracy Zafian
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