Photos of the Week: Reflections Along the Robert Frost Trail by Jonathan Plant


Reflections Along the Robert Frost Trail #1. Photo: Jonathan Plant

For all us who love hiking our local trails, the orange markers of the Robert Frost Trail are a familiar and beloved sight. All along its route, stretching from the Seven Sisters all the way up to southern Vermont, these signs guide us through mountain slopes, forests, marshes, ponds, rivers and streams. With these photos, I’ve aimed to capture its special beauty and mystery.

Our feature, Photo of the Week, presents each week, a new picture by a local photographer. We invite local photographers to share their photographs here.   Please include a description/caption and an indication of who is to be credited.

Reflections Along the Robert Frost Trail #2. Photo: Jonathan Plant
Reflections Along the Robert Frost Trail #3. Photo: Jonathan Plant
Reflections Along the Robert Frost Trail #4. Photo: Jonathan Plant
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