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1. New Water Use Restrictions and Speed Limits for Amherst by Maura Keene
2. Amherst to Host Independence Day Fireworks and Celebration by Amherst Indy
3. Letter: Escalating Jones Library Expansion Costs Threaten Town’s Sustainability Goals and Public Schools by Amherst Sunrise Movement
4. Opinion: More Money for the Library but Not for the Schools by Art Keene
5. Letter: Latest Jones Library Redesign Plans Would Do Violence to the Building While Wasting Even More of the Town’s Money by Art Keene

Letter: Gratitude for Responsivenss of Disability Access Advisory Committee by Maura Keene

What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

Council Passes Regional School Budget With Reservations and Warnings by Maura Keene
Library Trustees Slam Plan B as They Develop It by Jeff Lee
Opinion: More Money for the Library but Not for the Schools by Art Keene

UMass Dining Wins More National Recognition
UMass Amherst Named One of Princeton Review’s 2024 “Best Value Colleges”


Letter: Escalating Jones Library Expansion Costs Threaten Town’s Sustainability Goals and Public Schools by Amherst Sunrise Movement
Opinion: You Are Not Alone by Russ Vernon-Jones

A Conversation with Palestinian, Israeli, and American Peacebuilders
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

Searching for Curves in Amherst’s Architecture by Hetty Startup
Photos of the Week: Reflections Along the Robert Frost Trail by Jonathan Plant by Jonathan Plant

Searching for Curves in Amherst’s Architecture by Hetty Startup

Plan for Dense Housing with Commercial Space on University Drive Endorsed by Planning Board by Maura Keene
Developer Will Test New Concept for Home Offices by Maura Keene
Assistance Program Still Has Funds to Help Residents with Rent and Utility Bills

Library Trustees Slam Plan B as They Develop It by Jeff Lee
Letter: Escalating Jones Library Expansion Costs Threaten Town’s Sustainability Goals and Public Schools by Amherst Sunirse Movement
Opinion: More Money for the Library but Not for the Schools by Art Keene

Public Comment: How Much Will Hauler Reform Cost? Town Should Issue RFP to Find Out. by Darcy DuMont
Letter: Gratitude for Responsivenss of Disability Access Advisory Committee by Maura Keene
Letter: US Munitions Produce Horrific Death and Destruction in Palestine by Gerry Weiss
Letter: Escalating Jones Library Expansion Costs Threaten Town’s Sustainability Goals and Public Schools by Amherst Sunrise Movement
Opinion: More Money for the Library but Not for the Schools by Art Keene
Opinion: You Are Not Alone by Russ Vernon-Jones

Regional School Committee Approves Reoriented Track and Field Renovation by Jennifer Shiao
School Committee Embraces New Approaches to Bullying and Harassment. Approves Plan for Track and Field Renovation by Art Keene
Amherst Awarded Grant to Extend Hickory Ridge Trail System 

TSO Sends New Waste Hauler Bylaw to Town Council. Endorses Changes for West Street and University Drive–Amity Street  by Maura Keene

School Committee Embraces New Approaches to Bullying and Harassment. Approves Plan for Track and Field Renovation by Art Keene
Council Passes Regional School Budget With Reservations and Warnings by Maura Keene
Regional School Committee Approves Reoriented Track and Field Renovation by Jennifer Shiao
Activists Rally for Reproductive Freedom

School Committee Embraces New Approaches to Bullying and Harassment. Approves Plan for Track and Field Renovation by Art Keene
Activists Rally for Reproductive Freedom
A Conversation with Palestinian, Israeli, and American Peacebuilders
Letter: US Munitions Produce Horrific Death and Destruction in Palestine by Gerry Weiss

TSO Sends New Waste Hauler Bylaw to Town Council. Endorses Changes for West Street and University Drive–Amity Street  by Maura Keene
Public Comment: How Much Will Hauler Reform Cost? Town Should Issue RFP to Find Out. by Darcy DuMont

School Committee Embraces New Approaches to Bullying and Harassment. Approves Plan for Track and Field Renovation by Art Keene
Council Passes Regional School Budget With Reservations and Warnings by Maura Keene
Regional School Committee Approves Reoriented Track and Field Renovation by Jennifer Shiao
Library Trustees Slam Plan B as They Develop It by Jeff Lee
TSO Sends New Waste Hauler Bylaw to Town Council. Endorses Changes for West Street and University Drive–Amity Street  by Maura Keene
Plan for Dense Housing with Commercial Space on University Drive Endorsed by Planning Board by Maura Keene
CRC Recommends Marshall and Ferris for Planning Board by Maura Keene
Developer Will Test New Concept for Home Offices by Maura Keene
Amherst Awarded Grant to Extend Hickory Ridge Trail System 
Assistance Program Still Has Funds to Help Residents with Rent and Utility Bills
Public Comment: How Much Will Hauler Reform Cost? Town Should Issue RFP to Find Out. by Darcy DuMont
Letter: Gratitude for Responsivenss of Disability Access Advisory Committee by Maura Keene
Opinion: More Money for the Library but Not for the Schools by Art Keene

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