Collection for League of Women Voters’ Annual Book Sale Begins July 5

$5 bag day. League of Women Voters Annual Book Sale. Photo: League of Women Voters Amherst
Source: League of Women Voters Amherst
It’s time to donate books and think about helping with culling, sorting and curating!
Fort River Elementary School Gym, 70 S. East St.
Important Dates:
Collection begins on Friday, July 5, and continues, seven days a week, through Monday, July 15., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
No more than five boxes a day, please, unless you have checked in advance with the chair (Susan Millinger). Please no moldy or tattered books, no magazines or textbooks or popular self-help books.
Sale Dates:
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 26-28; Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4. Friday 26, 10 a.m-6 p.m.; other sale days 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Left-over Day, Monday, August 5, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. All books must go!
Volunteers needed for culling, sorting, and curating (organizing the categories into sub-categories.) Begins with collection on July 5 at 9:30 a.m.,continues right up to July 23, the day before Dealers Day. There will also be several evening work sessions; these are TBA as of 3/14/2024. We’ll also have some days between the sale weekends to tidy up and recategorize as necessary.
Volunteers: no need to register in advance: just come to the Fort River Elementary School Gym! No need to commit to a day or time—just work when you can, as long as you can. All book-lovers welcome! You do not need to be a League member to volunteer.
Session Chairs Needed:
For morning (9-11:30) or afternoon (11:30-2). Please contact Susan if you are interested. Session Chairs will have a training workshop and printed directions; a trouble-shooter will be available at every session for advice and to deal with problems. There will again be student workers available much of the time to help.