Town Manager Seeks Volunteers to Serve on Town Boards and Committees

17 Boards and Committees Currently Have Vacancies
Town Manager Paul Bockelman seeks volunteers to serve on Town Boards and Committees. The Town of Amherst has over 30 boards and committees that support and advise the work of town government and each has multiple residents who are members. Terms of service are typically three years; some may be shorter. Members typically serve for two terms. Members with terms expiring who have served one term may be seeking reappointment. Some multi-member groups have vacancies available for students enrolled at Amherst Regional High School (Human Rights Commission and Community Safety and Social Justice Committee).
“The beauty of our town government is its ability to engage residents in the decision-making process through our various boards and committees,” shared Town Manager Paul Bockelman. “By participating in these volunteer opportunities, residents are not only contributing to the betterment of our community, but they are also helping to create a more responsive and representative government.”
Boards and Committees that have or may have vacancies include the Affordable Housing Trust, Board of Assessors, Board of Health, Board of License Commissioners, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Advisory Committee, Community Safety and Social Justice Committee, Council on Aging, Cultural Council, Design Review Board, Disability Access Advisory Committee, Energy and Climate Action Committee, Historical Commission, Human Rights Commission, Local Historic District Commission, Personnel Board, Public Art Commission, Transportation Advisory Committee, and Water Supply Protection Committee.
A complete list of current board and committee vacancies can be found here:
The Town Manager seeks residents who have relevant expertise or experience. We are especially seeking individuals of diverse backgrounds to serve on all boards, committees, and commissions. If you are interested in volunteering to serve and help make the Town of Amherst a great place to live, work, learn, and grow, please fill out the Community Activity Form at:
Below is a summary of the responsibilities for some of the boards and committees. More information on all boards and committee may be found on the Town’s website here:
- Affordable Housing Trust: The Trust’s mission, as an instrument of Town government, is to promote the Town’s affordable housing priorities as determined through the most recent town housing plan, particularly to create safe, decent, and affordable housing for our most vulnerable populations. The Trust meets monthly.
- Board of License Commissioners: The Board of License Commissioners issues licenses for innholders or common victuallers, grants licenses relating to alcoholic beverages under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 138, and those licenses under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 140 which are not, by the provisions of said Chapter, placed within the jurisdiction of another Town officer or agency.
- CDBG Advisory Committee: The CDBG Committee makes recommendations to the Town Manager regarding the Town’s CDBG program that includes both social service and non-social service community development activities. CDBG funds – $825,000 in FY19 – are awarded to projects, programs, and services that improve the lives of Amherst’s low- and moderate-income residents and/or increase the accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
- Community Safety and Social Justice Committee: The Committee will work to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and community safety in Amherst. Appointments shall strive to represent a broad range of the Town’s socio-economic diversity. To that end, financial stipends (to be determined) will be provided to support the work of Committee members. Included in its charge will be support for the work of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion department; support of the Community Responders for Equity, Safety, and Service (CRESS) program; and working to address the needs of BIPOC and other marginalized groups including people with disabilities, immigrants, and LGBTQIA.
- Council on Aging: The Council acts as an advocate for the elderly of Amherst before local, state, and national bodies. The Council works with the Director of Senior Services to promote and support the efforts of the Director and Senior Center.
- Design Review Board: The Design Review Board (DRB) charge is to preserve and enhance the Town’s cultural, economic, and historical resources by providing for a detailed review of all changes in land use, the appearance of structures and the appearance of sites which may affect these resources. The DRB exercises this responsibility by providing design review and recommendations to private applicants and permit granting boards within specific overlay zoning districts in the Town Center–the Design Review (DR) overlay district and the Town Common Design Review (TCDR) overlay district. Design Review is also provided for Town departments and permit granting boards with respect to Town projects anywhere in Amherst “which will result in substantial alteration to the form or appearance of a structure or site.”
- Disability Access Advisory Committee: The Disability Access Advisory Committee serves the Town as an advisory committee on issues of physical, programmatic, and employment accessibility, and works to ensure equal access for people with disabilities. The Town is currently updating its ADA self-evaluation and transition plan.
- Energy and Climate Action Committee: The Committee is building on the efforts of the Town to address climate change at the municipal level and broaden those efforts to include the greater community. The Committee is responsible for recommending long-term climate action goals that focus on reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions and building adaptation and resilience within and across the Town’s residential, commercial, and municipal sectors. It will also guide the Town in establishing and meeting its climate mitigation, adaptation, and resilience goals.
- Human Rights Commission: The Human Rights Commission promotes the Town’s Human Rights Policy to insure that no person, public or private, shall be denied any rights guaranteed pursuant to local, state, and/or federal law on the basis of race or color, gender, physical or mental ability, religion, socio-economic status, ethnic or national origin, affectional or sexual preference, lifestyle, or age for all persons coming within the Town of Amherst.
- Local Historic District Commission: The Commission administers and regulates the construction and alteration of any structures or buildings within the Town’s historic districts as set forth by the Town’s bylaw. There is one seat for a resident of one of the Town’s local historic districts.
- Recreation Commission: The Recreation Commission assists the Recreation Department by advising on recreational facilities and a variety of leisure and recreational programs and supplemental education classes. The Commission develops policies, rules and regulations governing the operation of the facilities and the delivery of Recreation programs. The Commission also advises on public playgrounds, parks, and athletic facilities.
- Public Art Commission: The Public Art Commission fosters a greater community awareness of the interaction with public art, and through public art, promotes cultural diversity and an improved quality of life for Amherst’s residents. They also coordinate the Town Hall Gallery shows.
- Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC): TAC is advisory committee on transportation matters. The TAC seeks to address specific transportation matters in a comprehensive and holistic manner. The TAC provides advice on current and proposed transportation regulations, policies, initiatives, and improvement projects.
If you have questions, please reach out to our Community Participation Officers at or 413-259-3292.