Town Schedules Three Public Hearings on Proposed Changes to Jones Library Expansion Design


Some proposed value engineering changes (in red) for the Jones Library exterior. Photo:

The Town of Amherst has scheduled three public hearings on proposed changes to the design of the Jones Library expansion.  Recent value engineering adopted by the Jones Library Trustees in the hopes of lowering the overall cost of the project have resulted in significant changes to the design from what was originally proposed – requiring re-approvals from both the Planning Board and the Amherst Historical Commission.  These changes include  the elimination of nearly all sustainability features and many historic features that would impact the historic character of the building.

Planning Board
The Planning Board will hold a public hearing to consider amending the existing site plan review in consideration of proposed design changes to the Jones Library Expansion Project on Wednesday July 31 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  Join the hearing here

More information.

Meeting packet.

Historical Commission
The Amherst Historical Commission will hold two public hearings on Thursday August 1 to consider the impacts of proposed value engineering changes to the historic structure of the Jones Library and to consider a pending permit for the demolition of the 1993 addtion.  The hearings will be held on Zoom from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and can be joined here

More information here and here

Meeting packet.

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