Valley Bike Share To Relaunch in August

valley bikes at UMass

Vslley Bikes at UMass Amherst. Photo:


ValleyBike Share will relaunch in the Pioneer Valley on Monday, August 12, 2024. This program, led by the City of Northampton, will restart in partnership with Drop Mobility, which was selected as the vendor to bring ValleyBike back to the streets. Serving 10 communities including the University of Massachusetts Amherst, the relaunch will feature 300 existing bikes and 50 Drop e-bikes. 

Drop Mobility operates bike share systems for municipal organizations across North America, in 50+ communities. Drop Mobility, the Town of Amherst, and its system partners believe strongly in sustainability and were able to repurpose existing bikes and docks. This equipment was transitioned from the former system to the new Drop platform and was further expanded by adding Drop e-bikes and docks. 

“We are excited to bring the successful ValleyBike Share program back to Amherst,” said Director of Sustainability Stephanie Ciccarello“The system provides a convenient and healthy transportation option for community members that helps reduce carbon emissions when people opt to use it versus driving their own vehicles.”  

This regional program aims to provide healthy, sustainable, and equitable transportation options for the residents and visitors of the following municipalities: Amherst, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Chicopee, Easthampton, Hadley, Holyoke, Northampton, South Hadley, Springfield, and West Springfield.

Bikes will start arriving at their stations on Saturday, August 10, and will be available to rent beginning Monday, August 12, directly following the ribbon-cutting event. Community members are invited to join the relaunch party on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. in Pulaski Park, where Northampton Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra will officially kick off the system’s relaunch.  

To encourage safe riding, ValleyBike will be giving away free helmets at the launch event to the first 15 people to arrive. Helmets will also be available to borrow for those who want to test ride the bikes. ValleyBike encourages helmet use for all ages because wearing helmets has been shown to reduce head injury by as much as 85%.  

Details around pricing, equity memberships, and pre-sale deals will be live online at beginning August 1. Historically, the system operated from April to the end of November, with a successful winter trial in 2021-2022. The partners of ValleyBike Share will be exploring options for year-round operations at a later date.     

The partners of ValleyBike Share wish to especially thank those previous sponsors of ValleyBike and those businesses and sponsors who have been hosting vacant stations throughout the Valley while we have regrouped for this relaunch. In Amherst, this includes Cooley Dickinson Hospital. 

For businesses and community members interested in partnerships/sponsorship opportunities and bulk membership purchases, please contact Opportunities include branding visibility on bikes, stations, the mobile app, and website.  

For more information about the ValleyBike Share in the Town of Amherst, contact Director of Sustainability Stephanie Ciccarello at 413-259-3149 or

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