Letter: Improper Notice For Public Hearings on Jones Library Requires Postponement


Jones Library ca. 1932. Photo: Collections of the Jones Library

The following letter was sent to Town Manager Paul Bockelman, And Amherst Historical Commission Liaison Nate Malloy on July 29, 2024.

As a longtime Amherst resident, I am writing to ask that you postpone the public hearing that has been scheduled by the Amherst Historic Commission (AHC) for August 1 on the ground that the July 26 posting did not give 14 days prior notice to the public, as required by Amherst bylaw 3.60E(2)(b) and MGL ch. 40A sec. 11.

The fact that the AHC posted an abbreviated notice that simply read “Jones Library,” on July 17 does not legally suffice to provide 14 days notice of the specific topics for the public hearing. 

The public hearing posting on July 26 purports to cover three separate topics related to the proposed Jones Library expansion project: 1) the demolition application for changes to the updated building plans based upon value engineering; 2) review of compliance with the Preservation Restriction Agreement between the Jones Library trustees and the town; and 3) Sec. 106 review.

The public hearing notice must give the public complete information about the subject of the meeting 14 days in advance of the proposed hearing so that the public has adequate time to prepare.  This is particularly important given that the topics for the proposed public hearing are numerous and complex. Six days notice does not provide enough time—that’s why the town and state require 14 days.

Clearly, the status of the proposed library project is the subject of great concern right now. If the Amherst Historic Commission fails to comply with the statutory 14-day notice requirement for this important public hearing, it will clearly be seen as thwarting public participation. This is not how honest, transparent government is supposed to work.

Mickey Rathbun

Mickey Rathbun is a resident of Amherst.

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