Petition Urges Town Council To Pivot to Affordable Alternative to Costly Jones Library Demolition/Expansion Project

Photo: Creative commons
A coalition of local resident groups is circulating a petition asking the Town Council to abandon its current plans to complete the $55M Jones Library expansion/demolition project and pivot to a more affordable alternative (see also here). The petition is being coordinated by the group Save our Library.
The petition arose in response to a growing number of town residents expressing concern about the escalating costs of the Jones Library demolition/expansion project, the failure of fundraising to meet promised goals, and recent design changes that will eliminate historic preservation and sustainability features. The petition gives residents a chance to express that they think that the demolition/expansion project ought to stop right now and that the town should pivot to a more affordable repair and repurposing of space. And/or they can object to any more borrowing for the project by the town. And/or they can object to the proposed elimination of sustainability features and the degradation of the historic character of the building. There is also an opportunity to submit individual comments on the project. The online version of the petition contains links to substantial documentation on the history of the project and on its current difficulties. The petition can be accessed here or by using the QR code below. Paper copies are available – contact Save Our Library at with questions or requests.

Where can we sign this petition?
Paul & Roxanne Brunelle
Sign the petition here.
or request a paper copy at
I’m so glad the Indy has put this petition in the paper. It’s a fast and easy way to let your views be known. So I hope people will sign the petition and pass this article along to others who want to voice their opinions about the Library project. Thanks Amherst Indy.
When I told a fellow resident, a total stranger, about this petition and let her know how to sign it, she gave me a big hug. Others have told me how grateful they are that this petition is happening. They are very frustrated with the non-responsiveness of town leaders and the outright hostility of some supporters toward those of us who believe that enough is enough and that it’s time to move on to critical repairs of the Jones that have been neglected for many years, and also start to address other important issues in town.
To sign the petition, use the QR code above or go to
Thank you, Maria, for posting the concise link to the petition This is the best chance we have to make our opinions heard. And thank you, Indy, for your thorough and accurate reporting on the Jones Library. It is the only outlet for comprehensive news about this project and its implications.
Every week brings more evidence that the Library Project is being pushed through at all costs. Opposition to this overbuilt, overpriced building project continues to grow among town residents. Yet, proponents continue to say that this is only a vocal minority. The best way to show the strength of that opposition is to join many residents who have already signed the petition.
Go to the QR code above or to the link at Paper copies also are available by emailing
Could someone please provide the internet link to the September 6th video recording of the Jones Library Board of Trustees meeting? I can’t fine it anywhere online. Thank you if you know it!
The Library posts the links to meeting packets, minutes and recordings at when they are available.
As of 9/8, the 9/6 Trustees meeting recording had not been posted.