Pelham Community Preservation Committee Approves $99K for Track and Field

Ruts, divots and cracks in the Amherst High School track. Photo: Art Keene
The Pelham Community Preservation Committee (CPC) voted favorably (5-1) at their meeting on August 15, to authorize an additional $99,000 for the high school track and field project that will replace the existing facility with a reoriented (North-South) eight lane track with grass interior field. If approved at their Town Meeting in October, this will bring Pelham’s Community Preservation contribution to $110,500.
Regional School District Finance DIrector Doug Slaughter made the request and was accompanied by Amherst Assistant Town Manager Dave Ziomek. Committee members wanted reassurance that the new facility would be well maintained and that the existing track material would be disposed of properly, recycled if possible. Chair Tom Fanning was the sole vote against the funding, objecting to the type of track proposed which consists of materials derived from fossil fuels. Other members were satisfied with Slaughter and Ziomek’s commitment that they would work with the designers to ensure that it was made with the “greenest possible materials”.
The Amherst Community Preservation Act Committee approved an additional $800,000 in funding last month. If approved by the Amherst Town Council when it takes this up in the fall, it will bring the total CPA commitment from Amherst to $1.76 million. The Shutesbury CPC will meet on August 22 to discuss whether to entertain a similar request for $136,000. There is currently no meeting listed on the town’s calendar for the Leverett CPC to consider the anticipated $176,000 request for its portion of CPA funds for the project.