Puffers Pond Remains Closed to Swimming


Photo: amherstma.gov

Source: amherstma.gov

Update as of 8/14/24 – Puffer’s Pond will remain closed to swimming until further notice due to high levels of E. coli bacteria. Please note that recent test results show both North Beach and South Beach exceed acceptable E. coli readings and are unsafe for swimming. The town conducts water quality testing weekly with results being posted on Wednesdays at www.amherstma.gov/puffers. The most recent results were posted on Wednesday, August 14 and new results will be posted on Wednesday, August 21.

You can check out our updated Puffer’s Pond website to learn more about the town’s water quality testing process, potential causes of high E. coli levels, the town’s plans to improve the situation, and alternatives to swimming at Puffer’s Pond. On this webpage, you will find frequently asked questions including:

Who oversees Puffer’s Pond and the water testing?
How often is the water at Puffers tested?
What are the risks of swimming in contaminated waters?
What causes high E. coli levels?
If one beach is deemed “acceptable” while the other is not, why is the whole pond closed?
What standards are we using to make our determination?
What is the Town doing to improve the situation at Puffer’s?
Where else can I cool down if Puffer’s Pond is closed to swimming?
Find the answers to these frequently asked questions at www.amherstma.gov/puffers.

Questions? Please contact the Town Manager’s Office at 413-259-3002.

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