Photo: Dreamtime. Creative commons

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1. ‘The Building is Crumbling Around Us’ says Library Director by Jeff Lee
2. Petition Urges Town Council To Pivot to Affordable Alternative to Costly Jones Library Demolition/Expansion Project by Maura Keene
3. Letter: The Jones Library – How Much Is Too Much? by Ken Rosenthal
4. Photos of the Week: North Common Nears Completion by Town of Amherst
5. Opinion: Sensational Hampshire College Articles Need Context by Jonathon Podolsky


Amherst Community Theater Auditions for Disney’s Newsies! September 20-22
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

UMass Drops Request for Felony Charges Against Palestine Protestors by Dusty Christensen and Brian Zayatz *(from The Shoestring)
UMass Seeking Felony Riot Charges Against Palestinian Activists by Dusty ChristensenStory YoungDan McGlynn, and Shelby Lee (from The Shoestring)
Annual Community Breakfast August 27
Opinion: An Appeal for PILOT Parity by Terence Masterson


Waste Reduction Bylaw Vote Delayed as Hauler Attempts to Organize Landlord Resistance by Darcy DuMont
Valley Green Energy Coming November 1. Information Session Scheduled for August 20 by Maura Keene
Photo of the Week: Aurora Borealis over Atkins Reservoir by Darya Zelentsova

Town Will Host Community Safety Day on August 17
Annual Community Breakfast August 27
Bangs Community Center Open House, September 17
Amherst Community Theater Auditions for Disney’s Newsies! September 20-22
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Shutesbury by Hetty Startup
Photo of the Week: Aurora Borealis over Atkins Reservoir by Darya Zelentsova

State Findings Loom Large for Library Project Historic Preservation Hearings by Jeff Lee
Amherst’s Neighboring Towns: Shutesbury by Hetty Startup

Updated Affordable Housing Plan in the Works by Maura Keene

State Findings Loom Large for Library Project Historic Preservation Hearings by Jeff Lee

State Findings Loom Large for Library Project Historic Preservation Hearings by Jeff Lee
How Will New Building Codes Impact Jones Library Renovation?  by Maria Kopicki and Maura Keene
Letter: Supporting More Library Spending? Where’s the Proof? by Rita Burke
Letter: Jones Expansion Plan Has Become Too Expensive by Anita Sarro

Letter: Supporting More Library Spending? Where’s the Proof? by Rita Burke
Letter: Jones Expansion Plan Has Become Too Expensive by Anita Sarro
Opinion: An Appeal for PILOT Parity by Terence Masterson

Dismay at Town’s Alleged Foot Dragging on Social Justice Projects by Art Keene
Puffers Pond Remains Closed to Swimming
Town Will Host Community Safety Day on August 17

Pelham Community Preservation Committee Approves $99K for Track and Field by Maria Kopicki
Puffers Pond Remains Closed to Swimming

Opinion: An Appeal for PILOT Parity by Terence Masterson

Dismay at Town’s Alleged Foot Dragging on Social Justice Projects by Art Keene
UMass Drops Request for Felony Charges Against Palestine Protestors by Dusty Christensen and Brian Zayatz (from The Shoestring)
UMass Seeking Felony Riot Charges Against Palestinian Activists by Dusty ChristensenStory YoungDan McGlynn, and Shelby Lee (from The Shoestring)

Waste Reduction Bylaw Vote Delayed as Hauler Attempts to Organize Landlord Resistance by Darcy DuMont

Dismay at Town’s Alleged Foot Dragging on Social Justice Projects by Art Keene
State Findings Loom Large for Library Project Historic Preservation Hearings by Jeff Lee
How Will New Building Codes Impact Jones Library Renovation?  by Maria Kopicki and Maura Keene
Updated Affordable Housing Plan in the Works by Maura Keene
Pelham Community Preservation Committee Approves $99K for Track and Field by Maria Kopicki
Culverts – Unsexy But Vital Infrastructure Getting Some Attention by Maria Kopick
Valley Green Energy Coming November 1. Information Session Scheduled for August 20. by Maura Keene
Letter: Supporting More Library Spending? Where’s the Proof? by Rita Burke
Letter: Jones Expansion Plan Has Become Too Expensive by Anita Sarro
Opinion: An Appeal for PILOT Parity by Terence Masterson
Waste Reduction Bylaw Vote Delayed as Hauler Attempts to Organize Landlord Resistance by Darcy DuMont

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