Letter: Amherst Landlords Have Not Taken a Stand on Waste Hauler Bylaw

trash toters

Photo: CalRecycle

As President of the 500 member(  landlord Association, I am writing to set the record straight about Stan Rosenberg’s meeting with our Board and to correct misimpression’s that might be left from the headline and content of your article.

Stan met with us to provide information about the major changes being discussed relating to solid waste management in Town. He disclosed that he was a consultant to USA Waste  and Recycling and proceeded to explain the proposed changes. Most of us had little or no knowledge of the proposal prior to the meeting. 

Stan said his main reason for meeting with us was to let us know the Town Council was considering a proposal to hire two consultants one of which would focus on creating and carrying out a plan to educate and  engage the community so everyone would have a voice in it because it will impact us all. 

Our association has not taken a position on the proposed bylaw changes. We can’t because we don’t know enough about them or their potential impacts. 

Stan did not ask us to take a position on the proposed changes only to consider adding our voices to encourage the Town Council to move forward with broadening the public engagement to include all stakeholders. 

I wish the writer of the article had the courtesy to reach out to the Landlord Association for clarification of  their position regarding the proposal.

Steve Walczak

Steve Walczak is President of Amherst Landlords Association

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