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1.Waste Reduction Bylaw Vote Delayed as Hauler Attempts to Organize Landlord Resistance by Darcy DuMont
2. State Findings Loom Large for Library Project Historic Preservation Hearings by Jeff Lee
3. Letter: Supporting More Library Spending? Where’s the Proof? by Rita Burke
4. Dismay at Town’s Alleged Foot Dragging on Social Justice Projects by Art Keene
5. Letter: Amherst Zoning Restrictions on Accessory Dwellings Are Now Illegal by Michael Pill


New in September at Gallery A3: When Matter Talks Back
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art & Maura Keene

Amherst Ranked Ninth Best College Town by The Campus Advisor by Maura Keene
Traffic Alert: UMass Move-in Begins August 26

Planning Board Approves Retaining Wall for Jones Addition and Another Live Entertainment Venue Downtown by Maura Keene

Voting Information for September 3 Primary


First Day Celebration for Amherst School Children, August 25
New in September at Gallery A3: When Matter Talks Back
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene


Photo of the Week: “With Love” Community Celebration by Marita Banda, Vira Douangmany Cage, and Mary Custard

Amherst Historic Commission Rejects State Guidance on Jones Expansion by Art Keene
An Illustrated Guide to Adverse Effects to the Historic Jones Library Resulting from the Proposed Demolition-Renovation-Expansion Project by Jeff Lee
Town Initiates Section 106 Historic Preservation Review for Jones Library Expansion
Public Comment: Protect the Architectural Integrity of the 1928 Jones Library Building by Mickey Rathbun
Public Comment: Amherst Historic Commission Has the Opportunity, and Obligation, to Correct Its Mistake by Maria Kopicki
Public Comment: Jones Library Expansion at Odds with Town’s Historic Preservation Commitments
Letter: Deerfield Restoration of 1888 Building Offers Interesting Contrast With Jones Renovation

Letter: Amherst Zoning Restrictions on Accessory Dwellings Are Now Illegal by Michael Pill

An Illustrated Guide to Adverse Effects to the Historic Jones Library Resulting from the Proposed Demolition-Renovation-Expansion Project by Jeff Lee


Amherst Historic Commission Rejects State Guidance on Jones Expansion by Art Keene
An Illustrated Guide to Adverse Effects to the Historic Jones Library Resulting from the Proposed Demolition-Renovation-Expansion Project by Jeff Lee
Planning Board Approves Retaining Wall for Jones Addition and Another Live Entertainment Venue Downtown by Maura Keene
Town Initiates Section 106 Historic Preservation Review for Jones Library Expansion
Public Comment: Protect the Architectural Integrity of the 1928 Jones Library Building by Mickey Rathbun
Public Comment: Amherst Historic Commission Has the Opportunity, and Obligation, to Correct Its Mistake by Maria Kopicki
Public Comment: Jones Library Expansion at Odds with Town’s Historic Preservation Commitments by Jeff Lee
Letter: Deerfield Restoration of 1888 Building Offers Interesting Contrast With Jones Renovation by Rita Burke

Planning Board Approves Retaining Wall for Jones Addition and Another Live Entertainment Venue Downtown by Maura Keene
Herrell’s Ice Cream Is open in North Amherst by Maura Keene


Public Comment: Protect the Architectural Integrity of the 1928 Jones Library Building by Mickey Rathbun
Public Comment: Amherst Historic Commission Has the Opportunity, and Obligation, to Correct Its Mistake by Maria Kopicki
Public Comment: Jones Library Expansion at Odds with Town’s Historic Preservation Commitments by Jeff Lee
Letter: Amherst Landlords Have Not Taken a Stand on Waste Hauler Bylaw. by Steve Walczak
Letter: Amherst Zoning Restrictions on Accessory Dwellings Are Now Illegal by Michael Pill
Letter: Deerfield Restoration of 1888 Building Offers Interesting Contrast With Jones Renovation by Rita Burke

Registration For Household Hazardous Waste Day Ends Tuesday August 27

New Superintendent Ready for the First Day of School. Private Elementary School Proposed for Amherst by Maura Keene
First Day Celebration for Amherst School Children, August 25


Letter: Amherst Landlords Have Not Taken a Stand on Waste Hauler Bylaw by Steve Walczak

Town Manager Proposes Commission on Traffic and Parking by Maura Keene
Traffic Alert: UMass Move-in Begins August 26

Amherst Historic Commission Rejects State Guidance on Jones Expansion by Art Keene
Town Manager Proposes Commission on Traffic and Parking by Maura Keene
Planning Board Approves Retaining Wall for Jones Addition and Another Live Entertainment Venue Downtown by Maura Keene
Town Initiates Section 106 Historic Preservation Review for Jones Library Expansion
Public Comment: Protect the Architectural Integrity of the 1928 Jones Library Building by Mickey Rathbun
Public Comment: Amherst Historic Commission Has the Opportunity, and Obligation, to Correct Its Mistake by Maria Kopicki
Public Comment: Jones Library Expansion at Odds with Town’s Historic Preservation Commitments by Jeff Lee
Letter: Amherst Landlords Have Not Taken a Stand on Waste Hauler Bylaw. by Steve Walczak
Letter: Amherst Zoning Restrictions on Accessory Dwellings Are Now Illegal by Michael Pill
Letter: Deerfield Restoration of 1888 Building Offers Interesting Contrast With Jones Renovation by Rita Burke

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