Letter: Hope Is Alive in Amherst


Photo: istock

Jones Library Trustee Farah Ameen labels those who disagree with her a “vocal minority,” denigrates their concerns as “first world” problems and misinformation, and blames their advocacy for a loss of hope.  Hope is alive and well among the many town residents who support the Jones Library but advocate a more measured and affordable approach than the plan proponents insist is the only way.  Hope that other, higher priority town needs will not be short-changed or delayed because of this one project.  Hope that those in positions of power will not abuse that power.  Hope that reason will prevail.  And hope that the Jones Library finally will be repaired, its unused spaces fully utilized, and its function as one of three town libraries continue well into the 21st century and beyond. 

Anita Sarro

Anita Sarro is a nurse and retired healthcare attorney and longtime resident of Amherst. 

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1 thought on “Letter: Hope Is Alive in Amherst

  1. John McCabe, the husband of Ms Ameen, wrote a similar column in the Gazette today, 9/6/24. It is so off the mark, it isn’t worth the time to refute his assertions..

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