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1. Amherst Historic Commission Rejects State Guidance on Jones Expansion by Art Keene
2. Letter: Amherst Zoning Restrictions on Accessory Dwellings Are Now Illegal by Michael Pill
3. New Superintendent Ready for the First Day of School.  Private Elementary School Proposed for Amherst by Maura Keene
4. Letter: Critical Information Was Withheld from Amherst Historic Commission by Maria Kopicki
5.Amherst Ranked Ninth Best College Town by The Campus Advisor by Maura Keene.



What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

Chancellor Issues Statement on Free Speech, Justice, and Democracy at UMass by Art Keene
Community Breakfast Celebrates UMass/Town Collaboration by Art Keene
UMass Amherst Welcomes Over 5,300 First-Year Students to Campus
UMass Dining Named Best Campus Food by The Princeton Review for Unprecedented Eighth Consecutive Time

Cheaper and Greener Energy – Coming Soon by Russ Vernon-Jones, Darcy DuMont, Denise Lello and Tony Rogers
ZBA Gets Legal Advice on Solar Permitting by Hilda Greenbaum
New Appointments to Council on Aging, and Energy and Climate Action Committee by Art Keene
Public Comment: Moving Trash Bylaw Forward, Council Should Heed Advice from Mass DEP by Darcy DuMont
Letter: Embodied Carbon in Jones Library Demolition Debris Undermines Town’s Climate Action Goals by Lydia Vernon-Jones
Opinion: It’s Time to Start Ending All Fossil Fuel Production by Russ Vernon-Jones

Town of Amherst Will Host Public Workshops for Downtown Design Standards

Letter: Opportunities to Support Democrats in the Upcoming Election by Rudy Perkins


Town of Amherst Will Host Public Workshops for Downtown Design Standards
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene

Photos of the Week: A Gallery of Amherst’s Decaying Infrastructure compiled by Art Keene

What’s Law Got to Do With It? How Amherst’s Disregard of Historic Preservation Law Has Already Forfeited $1,800,000 and Jeopardizes Millions More in Federal Grants by Sarah McKee
Library Project Gets Past Historical Review with a Little Help from Its Friends by Jeff Lee
Public Comment: Here Is What Will Bring Jones Expansion Design into Compliance with State and Federal Regulations by Jeff Lee
Public Comment: Don’t Ignore Mass Historical Commission Guidance This Time Around by Art and Maura Keene

ZBA Denies Permit for Nonowner-Occupied Duplex on Chestnut Street by Maura Keene
ZBA Opens Public Hearing for Affordable Rentals by HIlda Greenbaum

What’s Law Got to Do With It? How Amherst’s Disregard of Historic Preservation Law Has Already Forfeited $1,800,000 and Jeopardizes Millions More in Federal Grants by Sarah McKee
Library Project Gets Past Historical Review with a Little Help from Its Friends by Jeff Lee
Public Comment: Here Is What Will Bring Jones Expansion Design into Compliance with State and Federal Regulations by Jeff Lee
Public Comment: Don’t Ignore Mass Historical Commission Guidance This Time Around by Art and Maura Keene
Letter: Embodied Carbon in Jones Library Demolition Debris Undermines Town’s Climate Action Goals by Lydia Vernon-Jones
Letter: Hope is Alive in Amherst by Anita Sarro
Letter: Critical Information Was Withheld from Amherst Historic Commission by Maria Kopicki
Letter: Local Historical Commission Obligated to Consider State Guidance by Anita Sarro
Letter: A Call for a Second Referendum on the Jones Library Expansion by Lou Conover

Public Comment: Moving Trash Bylaw Forward, Council Should Heed Advice from Mass DEP by Darcy DuMont
Public Comment: Here Is What Will Bring Jones Expansion Design into Compliance with State and Federal Regulations by Jeff Lee
Public Comment: Don’t Ignore Mass Historical Commission Guidance This Time Around by Art Keene
Letter: Opportunities to Support Democrats in the Upcoming Election by Rudy Perkins
Letter: Embodied Carbon in Jones Library Demolition Debris Undermines Town’s Climate Action Goals by Lydia Vernon-Jones
Letter: Hope is Alive in Amherst by Anita Sarro
Letter: Critical Information Was Withheld from Amherst Historic Commission by Maria Kopicki
Letter: Local Historical Commission Obligated to Consider State Guidance by Anita Sarro
Letter: A Call for a Second Referendum on the Jones Library Expansion by Lou Conover
Opinion: Here is the Speech that the Uncommitted Movement Was Denied Permission to Present at the DNC by Art Keene
Opinion: It’s Time to Start Ending All Fossil Fuel Production by Russ Vernon-Jones

Regional School Committee Hears ABCs of Budgeting by Maura Keene

New Appointments to Council on Aging, and Energy and Climate Action Committee by Art Keene

Public Comment: Moving Trash Bylaw Forward, Council Should Heed Advice from Mass DEP by Darcy DuMont

Chancellor Issues Statement on Free Speech, Justice, and Democracy at UMass by Art Keene
Opinion: Here is the Speech that the Uncommitted Movement Was Denied Permission to Present at the DNC by Art Keene

What’s Law Got to Do With It? How Amherst’s Disregard of Historic Preservation Law Has Already Forfeited $1,800,000 and Jeopardizes Millions More in Federal Grants by Sarah McKee
Library Project Gets Past Historical Review with a Little Help from Its Friends by Jeff Lee
Regional School Committee Hears ABCs of Budgeting by Maura Keene
Cheaper and Greener Energy – Coming Soon by Russ Vernon-Jones, Darcy DuMont, Denise Lello and Tony Rogers
ZBA Gets Legal Advice on Solar Permitting by Hilda Greenbaum
ZBA Denies Permit for Nonowner-Occupied Duplex on Chestnut Street by Maura Keene
ZBA Opens Public Hearing for Affordable Rentals by Hilda Greenbaum
New Appointments to Council on Aging, and Energy and Climate Action Committee by Art Keene
Community Breakfast Celebrates UMass/Town Collaboration by Art Keene
Town of Amherst Will Host Public Workshops for Downtown Design Standards
Public Comment: Moving Trash Bylaw Forward, Council Should Heed Advice from Mass DEP by Darcy DuMont
Letter: Critical Information Was Withheld from Amherst Historic Commission by Maria Kopicki
Letter: Local Historical Commission Obligated to Consider State Guidance by Anita Sarro
Letter: A Call for a Second Referendum on the Jones Library Expansion by Lou Conover
Photos of the Week: A Gallery of Amherst’s Decaying Infrastructure compiled by Art Keene

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