Applications for CPA Grants Due this Month



The Town of Amherst is accepting applications for Community Preservation Act (CPA) grants until September 30. The CPA Committee welcomes applications for projects in support of Community Housing, Historic Preservation, Open Space, and Recreation. 

For more information on project eligibility and how to apply, visit:

Contact the Community Preservation Act Committee (CPAC) at should you have any questions.


  • Sunday, September 1, 2024: FY26 round of applications opens.
  • Tuesday, October 1, 2024: FY26 round of applications closes.
  • Thursday, November 7, 2024 (tentative): Applicant presentations begin.

What Is The Community Preservation Act?
The Community Preservation Act (CPA) was adopted by Amherst voters in April 2001, and established a local fund based on a 1% tax surcharge (later amended to 1.5% and then to the full 3% allowed by state law) on property valuations above $100,000. This local fund is “…for the acquisition, creation, and preservation of Open Space; for acquisition, preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of Historic Resources; for the acquisition, creation, and preservation of land for Recreational Use; for the acquisition, creation, preservation, and support for Community Housing; and for the rehabilitation or restoration of open space land for recreational use and community housing that is acquired or created.”

What Is The CPA Committee?
The Community Preservation Act Committee (CPAC) is charged with assessing the needs of the town in the four areas identified by the CPA, and recommending relevant expenditures to the Town Council. By state law, CPA funds are to be spent only on community housing, historic preservations, open space, and recreation. The Committee is made up of nine (9) Amherst residents including: one (1) member of the conservation commission; one (1) member of the historical commission; one (1) member of the planning board; one (1) member of the recreation commission; one (1) member of the Housing Authority; four (4) residents at-large.

Learn more about the CPA and CPAC at

Apply for CPA Funds Here.

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