Letter: Celebrating a Decade of Building Community Music

Tim Anderson, conducting the Amherst Community Band at a concert on July 27, 2024. Photo: YouTube
The following letter appeared previously in the Amherst Bulletin.
The Amherst Community Band honored conductor Dr. Timothy Todd Anderson for his 10 years of dedication. Under his leadership, which is a volunteer position, the band has tripled in size. Community musicians of all ages, from all over the Pioneer Valley, have enjoyed making music and performing during the summer months. When Anderson began as director, the band played two concerts. He saw the potential for building the band as well as the audiences and created more opportunities for performances.
Sweetser Park in Amherst became the summer music stage. The summer months of free performances have become a popular family event. The audiences often number in the hundreds.
Anderson believes that a community band belongs to its members and depends on their input to succeed. The members suggest, then vote on themed music. This summer’s concert themes were Gershwin, dance and anniversaries. For the last concert of the year, which was held Tuesday, August 20 in South Amherst, all selections were chosen by the band members. The concert reflected their favorite music of the summer.
Because Anderson teaches at UMass, he often gives his conducting students the opportunity to conduct a selection. He is a beloved teacher and has trained many music teachers in the state. Many return each summer just to play in this band with him.
Not only does he bring his music expertise and experience to the band, but he makes playing music fun. He will dress up and encourage the band to dress in whatever the concert theme is. Last weekend he wore a baseball jersey as he conducted “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” One concert, he exchanged his conductor baton for a light saber when he conducted “Star Wars.”
Congratulations to Timothy Todd Anderson for a decade of bringing his successful vision to the Amherst Community Band, and for bringing the community together through the joys of music.
Judy Gutlerner
Judy Gutlerner is a resident of Amherst.