Police Chief Gabe Ting Joins Town Manager at Cuppa Joe Next Friday at Atkins


Photo: amherstma.gov

Source: amherstma.gov

Join Town Manager Paul Bockelman and Amherst Police Chief Gabe Ting for coffee and conversation on Friday, September 13 from 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. at Atkins Farms Country Market, 1150 West Street.

Chief Ting began his official duties as Chief in May 2024 and has served in the Amherst Police Department for over 27 years. He grew up in Amherst, attended Amherst elementary, middle, and high schools, earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and worked his way through the ranks of the Amherst Police Department.

The “Cuppa’ Joe with Paul” coffees are a monthly event and rotate locations around the town. Each time, Paul is joined by a different town department head or official. Residents and others are welcome to share their concerns, offer suggestions, or just get to know each other.

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