Letter: You Can Still Impact the Outcome of the Election

Phone banking for Elizabeth Warren senate campaign. Photo: Wikimedia Commons (CC BY 2.0)
Do you believe that democracy is on the ballot in the November election and that the choice that confronts us is between democracy and fascism? Are you feeling anxious because many polls and pundits have called the contest for president a dead heat?
Well, at this point, it’s going to come down to the ground game, and while the outcome in Massachusetts, at least for the presidential contest, is not in question, you can help get out the vote in support of democracy in states where the outcome of key races, for president, and for control of the House and the Senate, are still very much in doubt. Instead of sitting around and worrying over these next three weeks – we can impact the outcome by helping to turn out the vote.
A Personal Note on Text Banking
Text Banking is pretty painless and great for folks who are shy about phone outreach or door knocking. I did a lot of text banking to Wisconsin during the last election cycle. It’s easy to do and you can do it on your own time, and in little bits of free time. And even though most of us are drowning in campaign texts right now, organizers assure me that this is an effective way to make sure that targeted voters actually get out and vote.
Here Are Things You Can do
So here are some places where you can put in a little time to help get the vote out in support of democracy. Thanks to 413 Staying Connected for Action for this helpful information.
Here’s what you can do. And if you’d like to suggest other actions, you can share that information in the comments section.
Knock on Doors
New Hampshire – Knock on doors for Harris/Walz, Joyce Craig, and Maggie Goodlander
Keene – sign up link her
Nashua – sign up link here
Exeter – sign up link here
Manchester – sign up link here
Portsmouth – sign up link here
Maine – Knock on doors for Harris/Walz in CD-2 (Maine is one of only two states that split electoral votes.
Lewiston-Auburn – sign up link here
Augusta – sign up link here
New York – Knock on doors for Josh Riley in NY-19 on weekends with Swing Blue Alliance or during the week with the Hudson NY campaign office.
Michigan – Phonebank (virtual) into MICHIGAN, hosted by Michigan Victory 2024 / Democratic Party. Mon.- Friday, 2-5 PM EDT and 5-8 PM EDT, Sat. & Sun, 9 AM – Noon, Noon – 3 PM, 3 – 6 PM and 6 – 8 PM EDT. Sign up here.
Pennsylvania -textbank (virtual) for Dem. House incumbent Matt Cartwright in Pennsylvania’s toss-up 8th CD, Thursdays 6:30 – 7:30 PM, and Election Day, 11 AM – Noon and 4 – 5 PM https://www.mobilize.us/mobilize/event/694124/ .
Textbank training with Swifties for Kamala x Harris/Walz, Mondays, 6-7 PM EST, https://events.democrats.org/event/715820/ (Ask if this will satisfy the training requirements of the specific text bank you are planning to do.)
More Calls to Make
MT – Call Montana voters for Jon Tester.
TX – Call Texas voters for Colin Allred
NH – Make calls for Harris and all Dems
ME – Make calls for Harris/Walz
PA – Speak Spanish? Bilingual Harris for Pres phone bank into PA
You’ll worry a lot less about the outcome if you are doing something proactive.
Art Keene
Art Keene is Managing Editor of the Amherst Indy.
Thanks for posting this, Art. I have been doing GOTV (Get Out The Vote) calls and they are really satisfying. You are reaching likely supporters in swing states and helping to make sure that their votes are counted by giving concrete advice and information about the mechanics of voting. Even when you reach someone who has already voted, you can make sure they check on their ballot, spread the word to others, and it frees up campaign resources to contact others. The people you talk to a overwhelmingly pleasant and you can really make a difference. Here are some other opportunities:
https://www.mobilize.us/ohcc/ (OHIO)
https://mobilize.us/s/89lj5R (PA)
If all of us do even one shift, it will make a difference. Find a couple hours and don’t have any regrets on November 6. DO SOMETHING NOW!
yes I did some postcarding today – with a whole room of other postcarders in Florence. It helps – will help. Let’s make sure.
Here’s a link from Indivisible with information about five different texting campaigns, what they are doing, and how you can get involved.