Take the Survey: What Should Downtown Amherst Look Like?

Some imagined downtown buildings in the downtown design survey. Photo: amherstma.gov
Source: amherstma.gov
The Town of Amherst is creating new downtown design standards to guide future development and maintain a welcoming, attractive, and vibrant downtown, and we need input from residents. This survey will help us understand your preferences on key design elements like building massing, articulation, setbacks, and window treatments.
The survey closes on October 27.
Take the Survey Here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/amherstdesign
I took the survey. it was kind of fun!
I appreciate that the town is putting effort into this but the way this survey is constructed visually with ranking above the image is going to yield a lot of garbage input from people not being extremely careful with their answers. Surveys must be done to get unambiguously correct input, this is confusing to use.
Is NOTA (None Of The Above) a choice one can make?
And by the way, it was known as “Amherst Center” — NOT “Downtown Amherst” — ’til recently: how did that bit of “re-branding” happen?
It’s true the survey was confusing and I kept putting the answer in the wrong place and my husband would have to keep pointing it out. But we had some good conversations doing it together.
Allowing things to evolve organically without any direct management from us is a much more humane system then people perceive it to be.
Thought that a survey based on visuals not words was fascinating and useful. Kudos to the Town for providing this method of input!!