Take the Survey: What Should Downtown Amherst Look Like?


Photo: amherstma.gov

Source: amherstma.gov

The Town of Amherst is creating new downtown design standards to guide future development and maintain a welcoming, attractive, and vibrant downtown, and we need input from residents. This survey will help us understand your preferences on key design elements like building massing, articulation, setbacks, and window treatments. 

The survey closes on October 27.

Take the Survey Here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/amherstdesign

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3 thoughts on “Take the Survey: What Should Downtown Amherst Look Like?

  1. I appreciate that the town is putting effort into this but the way this survey is constructed visually with ranking above the image is going to yield a lot of garbage input from people not being extremely careful with their answers. Surveys must be done to get unambiguously correct input, this is confusing to use.

  2. Word to the wise: maybe don’t engage in this survey right before bed; these visions for Amherst and the format of the survey combine to produce absolute nightmare fuel.

    I’m glad the previous commentor found it “fun” and perhaps it is just me that really did not enjoy any of that.

    Jokes aside, just commenting to say I wish I had not seen any of these images, and the format was a bit strange.

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