Letter: Much Still to Be Considered Before Adopting Overlay District for University Drive

Wetlands and stream north of 101 University Drive, seen from bridge between 101 University Drive and empty brick building to the north. Photo:: Janet Keller
The following letter was sent to the Town Council, Community Resources Committee, Town Manager Paul Bockelman, Assistant Town Manager David Ziomek and Senior Planner Nate Malloy on November 12, 2024.
I think there has been inadequate consideration of the wetland situation on University Drive, and object to hardship waivers because developers need to shoehorn in tall buildings onto pieces of solid ground on unsuitable properties; this leaves that portion of our town unprotected from inevitable flooding from climate change
I think there has been inadequate consideration of how much is enough in providing student housing in Amherst. And not enough about:
- Housing for faculty and staff
- Housing for families, as indicated by our dwindling k-12 population
- Inadequate percentage of ground floor space for commercial activity in a supposedly mixed-use building
- The planning board and Amherst government being too accommodating to developers who are aiming for the quick buck and not the future of Amherst; including such sentiments as not caring if our major supermarket is displaced by even more private dorms
I urge you to promote what will be good for our town as a 12-month home to many. That good should not be sacrificed because UMass will not build more dorms, and expects Amherst and surrounding towns to subsidize their operation and by the town not insisting they provide housing for their students.
Ira Bryck
Ira Bryck has lived in Amherst since 1993, ran the Family Business Center for 25 years, hosted the “Western Mass. Business Show” on WHMP for seven years, now coaches business leaders, and is a big fan of Amherst’s downtown.
Everything seems to be “ shoe horned “ or compromised for some reason. Nothing is clean . It is presented to the public like student housing is a third alarm fire, and we are solving some pressing issues by loosening our standards.
Since when it is the Town’s responsibility to accommodate student housing ? Some on the Planning Board and staff , act like they are fulfilling some greater good to the community ,by continuing to press this.
Do town leaders and UMass/Amherst College administration meet to discuss student housing issues? Who is responsible for providing housing for students in Amherst? The Town of Amherst OR UMass + Amherst College. I say the schools!!. I believe the schools have the physical and financial resources to build student housing…. if the schools really needed it. What percent of enrolled students actually “need” housing in Amherst to attend college? I’ve observed the students in the rentals in my neighborhood rarely leave their houses..only to open the door for the Amazon packages, bring out garbage and occasionally come outside to party. I can’t figure out why they are renting in Amherst if they don’t ever go to campus. Parents paying the rent would be surprised to learn their child is attending college remotely from an expensive rented bedroom. Is the student housing agenda funded by taxpayers in Amherst driven by private property investment developers? It would be helpful to have some data analysis of the situation.